A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Canada: Here comes the G20

The leaders of 20 of the world’s important economies are coming to town, and the residents of this good city are not in a welcoming mood. How could they be? A sign of the hassles ahead is the security fence that snakes for more than two miles around several downtown city blocks, where the G20 leaders will meet June 26-27.

Tags: public opinion, canada, g20, g8

CTC Media to Launch CTC-International Channel in Israel

Russia's leading independent media company, today announced the launch of the CTC-International channel in Israel... Anton Kudryashov, Chief Executive Officer of CTC Media, commented: "The launch of CTC-International in Israel is in line with our international expansion strategy and follows the introduction of the channel in the U.S. at the end of last year..."

Tags: media, international broadcasting, israel, russia

Taiwanese writers promote cultural strength in Toronto, Canada

Six Taiwanese writers gathered in Toronto, Canada today to join the 11th International Conference on the Short Story in English (SSIE), an annual feast of literature joined by 42 international writers in the York University, according to the Central News Agency reports today.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, taiwan, canada

Branding programme to give regions unique identities

Brand Kenya Board has embarked on a programme to give unique identities to municipal councils. The programme will enable regions to develop brands themed along their core activities and main products.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, nation branding, kenya

The Five Tool Corporate Diplomat

As I am immersed day to day through my Business for Diplomatic Action role in engaging and guiding corporate executives in public diplomacy efforts, it got me thinking about those incredible Five Tool Diplomats and Executives...And then I wondered, what do they all have in common that has helped guide their success internationally? What are the critical skill sets that comprise a Five Tool Corporate Diplomat?

Tags: non-state pd, corporate diplomacy

Israel Losing Its PR Battle

When it comes to the mechanics of the Israeli PR campaign, it seems that they will win a positive outcome. With this strategy the Israeli government could win some support from leaders as well. Yet when it comes to the language of the PR campaign, Israel isn`t on the side of the winners. There are a few problems in the Israeli PR language.

Tags: public opinion, israel, non-state pd, gaza flotilla

Turkey and America should kiss and make up

Turkey's political stock has plummeted in Washington over the last few weeks. For decades Turkey was widely viewed as a reliable Nato ally, prickly at times but safely in America's corner. Now, suddenly, it is being denounced as a turncoat, a "frenemy", a defector from the coalition of the virtuous and budding convert to to the Islamist cause.

Tags: united states, government pd, public opinion, turkey

How Turkey is chasing China to become the next big thing

Today, a dynamic neo-Ottoman spirit animates Turkey. Once rigidly secular, it has begun to fashion a moderate Islamic democracy. Once dominated by the military, it is in the process of containing the army within the rule of law. Once intolerant of ethnic diversity, it has begun to reexamine what it means to be Turkish. Once a sleepy economy, it is becoming a nation of Islamic Calvinists. Most critically of all, it is fashioning a new foreign policy.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, turkey


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