A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

How’d We Lose Brazil, Turkey and Lebanon?

After 17 months of diplomacy, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice was only able to get 12 of the 15 countries on the United Nations Security Council to vote to place increased sanctions on the Islamic Republic's illegal pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Tags: united states, public opinion, iran, turkey, brazil, lebanon, sanctions

German-French Relations On the Rocks

For decades, the German-French relationship has been the most important one in the European Union. These days, however, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Nicolas Sarkozy can hardly stand each other. Why can't they just get along?

Tags: europe, france, european union, germany

India urges Pakistan to look for “creative solutions” to bilateral issues

India has said that, for bridging the "trust deficit" with Pakistan, it was ready to address all issues of mutual concern through dialogue and peaceful negotiations and called for "creative solutions" to solve the problems that have bedevilled the bilateral relationship for decades.

Tags: india, pakistan, public opinion, india-pakistan relations

Kenya turns to diplomacy to boost trade

The Kenya government has initiated a new strategy that will use diplomacy to attract and boost investments and forge closer links with the West. It has shifted its policy to embrace the concept of economic and trade diplomacy, which demands that Kenya aligns itself with economic blocs of strategic importance.

Tags: trade diplomacy, economic diplomacy, kenya

Finding a Way Forward in the Caucasus

The U.S. relationship with Azerbaijan is a crucial one at the moment... But recent months have indeed seen "serious issues" surface in the bilateral relationship—so serious that the relationship has sunk to an all-time low. The primary cause of the rift is a development between Azerbaijan’s neighbors: the Turkey-Armenia reconciliation process.

Tags: united states, turkey, barack obama, azerbaijan, armenia

‘Shaolin’ brings kung-fu back to the temple

Shot in a life-size replica of the temple built in Zhejiang province, "Shaolin"could re-introduce the background to one of the best-known Chinese worlds, [Emperor Motion Pictures CEO Albert] Lee said, right at a time when the industry is under pressure from Beijing to make exportable movies to help China's soft power.

Tags: china, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd

Moldova most EU-friendly Eastern country, survey reveals

Citizens of Belarus are largely uninterested in the EU, while sympathies in Ukraine are divided between Brussels and Moscow. By contrast, a large majority in Moldova would like to see a deepening of the country's relations with the Union, reveals a University of Aberystwyth survey seen exclusively by EurActiv.

Tags: public opinion, europe, european union

Senior Chinese leader stresses protection of cultural heritage

[Li Changchun, a senior leader of the Communist Party of China (CPC)] emphasized that environmental protection efforts, such as designating some archaeological sites as special parks, should go hand-in-hand with heritage preservation work. Citizens, especially the country's youths, needed to be better educated about heritage protection through more educational programs and visits to heritage sites, he said.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd


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