A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. Reverses Sanctions Policy to Open Access to Culture, Education

Alec Ross, Secretary Clinton's Senior Advisor for Innovation, said the new policy is designed to promote access to global education and culture by permitting certain telecommunications equipment and services to flow to those countries. Export of those equipment and services had previously been blocked by U.S. sanctions.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, iran, new technology, new media, us department of state, cuba, internet diplomacy, sudan, sanctions

US Congress recognizes Nanjing City as ‘Model for International Cooperation’

The US House of Representatives has passed a bill to recognise Nanjing City of China as a "Model for International Cooperation" in order to award the city's active involvement in cooperation with the United States in education, innovation and entrepreneurship, and this was the first Chinese city to win such an award, Li Jiansheng, executive chairman of the US-China Partnership Committee said.

Tags: china, united states, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, congress

David Cameron must stand up to Barack Obama over BP

As everyone knows, BP is enveloped in a massive environmental and PR disaster, which is doing serious damage to its reputation, not only in the US but across the world. But by relentlessly kicking the firm while it’s down, in what appears to be increasingly brutal and vindictive fashion, the Obama White House is generating significant animosity in a nation that is traditionally pro-American.

Tags: united states, government pd, public opinion, britain, bp oil spill

BP oil spill: Nick Clegg pledges to avoid ‘megaphone diplomacy’ with US

Nick Clegg today warned that a row between Britain and the US over the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was in danger of turning into a destructive bout of "megaphone diplomacy".

Tags: bp oil spill

Workable diplomacy on Iran

Fresh sanctions adopted by the United Nations Security Council against Iran on Wednesday should actually be viewed as another chance for further diplomatic effort to break the nuclear impasse through peaceful solutions acceptable to all parties.

Tags: iran, united nations

North Korea: The Case for Engagement

Although China's policy of engagement is often portrayed by American observers as stonewalling diplomatic efforts on the peninsula, Beijing has in fact been advocating an alternative paradigm for reining in the DPRK.

Tags: north korea, cheonan

The Source of Failure: Israel’s Public Diplomacy and the Intelligence Community

It took between 12 and 14 hours for release of the tapes showing Israeli soldiers being beaten in a coordinated and planned attack aboard the Mavi Marmara. That footage, if released earlier, might well have drastically changed the international perception of what happened aboard the ship.

Tags: gaza flotilla, mavi marmara

As World Cup kicks off, spotlight shines on S. Africa’s troubled past, hopeful future

To celebrate the first global sporting event to be contested on the African continent, the South African hosts staged a dazzling pageant on the soccer pitch that reflected the nation's arts, culture, song and dance, as well as multiple jet flyovers, fireworks and a giant dung beetle kicking a giant inflated soccer ball toward a goal.

Tags: soft power, fifa world cup


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