A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

At Shanghai Expo, Ahmadinejad polite despite China’s support for Iran sanctions

China gave a low-key welcome to Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as he visited the Shanghai Expo on Friday, just days after Beijing voted for a fourth round of United Nations sanctions designed to curb Iran’s nuclear program.

Tags: iran, un sanctions

World Cup 2010 begins in South Africa

The 2010 World Cup in South Africa got under way with a spectacular and vibrant opening ceremony at the 94,000-capacity Soccer City in Johannesburg.Africa is staging the World Cup for the first time, with 32 nations competing in 64 games until the final on 11 July.

Tags: fifa world cup

China’s Not That Into the World Cup

As excitement builds around the FIFA World Cup, marketers globally want to leverage the event to build brands. But the job is especially difficult in China, where the World Cup, and soccer generally, are experienced and understood in a unique way.

Tags: shanghai expo, south africa, fifa world cup, shanghai

India’s hurt feelings

Now it is India’s turn to complain that Obama is too much the Pacific president and not enough the Indian Ocean president. Whereas the Indian government is not officially complaining, what might be called the Indian foreign policy establishment of business leaders, strategic thinkers, journalists and former diplomats are.

Tags: united states, government pd, india, public opinion, europe

Sparing Israel the rod spoils the friendship

...there has also been a fresh awakening to the areas where Australia and Israel's interests overlap - and, just as importantly, where they diverge. The two countries, though friendly and democratic, are not automatically in sync. Recognising that actually bodes well for more mature ties in the future.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, israel, australia, gaza

Obama Foreign Policy 2.0

So like a debtor who decides that it's easier to ask for a raise than chop up his credit cards, Team Obama decided to focus on boosting American power, not reducing American obligations. The Bush Administration, they reasoned, had leveraged only military power. Obama would deploy "soft power" too, the power to attract rather than coerce.

Tags: united states, soft power, government pd, public opinion, barack obama

Russia Pledges Massive Aid for Nicaragua

The Russian delegation, headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Serguei Ryabkov, offered Nicaragua a generous package of aid in the areas of transportation, budget assistance and technical support..the Russian government agreed to provide Nicaragua with $10 million in budget support, a new fleet of inner-city buses and a shipment of LADA vehicles, as well as reinitiate a twice-weekly commercial flight from Moscow to Managua, via Cuba.

Tags: soft power, government pd, russia, aid diplomacy, nicaragua

U.S., Pakistan Seek to Broaden Defense Relationship

U.S. and Pakistani defense officials wrapped up a four-day session in Pakistan today aimed at expanding the two countries’ defense relationship to address current and future threats. The Pakistan-U.S. Strategic Dialogue Defense Working Group, known as the Exchange on Defense Planning, met at Pakistan’s Joint Staff Headquarters in Rawalpindi as part of the strategic dialogue process, embassy officials in Islamabad reported.

Tags: united states, government pd, pakistan, us department of defense


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