A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Israel Wants 24-h News Ch

BBC Monitoring is reporting that Israel is considering establishing its own 24-hour news channel...The plan would, say its supporters, help disseminate Israel’s news to the wider world.

Tags: media, israel

Evolving Indo-US relations in next phase

It is clear that both India and the US need each other more than anytime in the past. It is clear that US needs India as a partner in the increasingly Post-American World and India would be quite happy to accept a world dominated by American hegemony rather than the one dominated by China.

Tags: united states, government pd, india

Business counts cost of Turkey-Israel spat

In Turkey, diplomacy and commerce go hand in hand: when ministers travel abroad, they take a train of businessmen...A new pipeline running from Russia to Turkey might carry gas onwards to Syria or Lebanon – but not Israel.

Tags: government pd, israel, russia, turkey, syria, lebanon, economic diplomacy, gaza

SAfrica sees South-South trade opportunities

"We now see a huge number of possibilities from South-South trade and a lot of our effort is being deployed there," [Trade and Industry Minister Rob] Davies told a news conference. The weakness of the euro and the European economy in general was encouraging this process, he said.

Tags: china, india, europe, european union, south africa, brazil, trade diplomacy

Egypt’s Waning Influence

What we are witnessing is another step — perhaps crucial — in the shifting strategic balance of power in the Middle East: The cause of the Palestinians is gradually passing out of the hands of Mubarak and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

Tags: middle east, public opinion, egypt, israel, palestine, saudi arabia

India at the Shanghai World Expo and its significance in Sino-Indian Relations

Most people hadn’t even heard of the expo before it came to China. The verdict is clear – The Expo needed China as much as China needed the Expo. It has been described by the Chinese government as “a great gathering of world civilizations”, and is an excellent opportunity to improve ties between two of the oldest – India and China.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, india, public opinion, shanghai expo, india-china ties

Clinton Says Opponents of Penalties Can Still Aid Diplomacy

Reaching out to the two countries that voted against new sanctions on Iran, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that she thought Brazil and Turkey would continue to play an important role in diplomatic efforts with the Iranian government.

Tags: united states, iran, turkey, hillary clinton, us department of state, brazil

The U.S. State Department Wants to Hear from You

In its ongoing search for solutions to U.S. public diplomacy challenges – some might call it a deficit – the State Department has launched yet another new Internet venture, a social website called Opinion Space.

Tags: united states, public opinion, new technology, new media


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