A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Opinion: Who’s in charge, China or Nigeria?

For some, the rapid growth of China’s presence in Africa has been disquieting. Beijing is not always helpful where it has political influence. It occasionally colludes with corrupt and abusive governments, and its thirst for natural resources has raised the specter of a second “scramble for Africa.”

Tags: china, public opinion, africa, oil diplomacy, natural resources

Learning Chinese in Mexico: Children prepare for the future

The sight of youngsters speaking Chinese in the Mexican heartland is unusual, to say the least. Parents told that pupils as young as 9 would be taught Mandarin had been skeptical. Wouldn't French or Italian (Romance languages closer to Spanish) make more sense? some wondered. Savvy Mexican politicians have other ideas.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, language, mexico, latin america, chinese

Three angles on Africa

What’s the relationship between the West and Africa? A respected – but tiny – Toronto theatre company joins global partners to ask a question as big as a continent.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, africa, canada

Border mediation with Slovenia could help Croatia join European Union

A tiny spat over a sliver of sea that has been a major irritant between Slovenia and Croatia since the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1991 now looks set to be arbitrated by international jurists, unblocking Croatia’s stalled bid to join the European Union.

Tags: europe, european union, croatia, slovenia

Sri Lanka turns to show business to rebuild image

Sri Lanka showed the warmth its people are known for when one of the biggest Bollywood extravaganzas, the International Indian Film Academy awards, came to town at the weekend.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, sri lanka

South Africa’s responsibility

Just over 20 years since Nelson Mandela walked to freedom, the people of the so-called "rainbow nation" will bask in the admiration of the world not only for their success in hosting such a huge event but, in a broader sense, for having maintained their country as an oasis of democratic values and an economic power in southern Africa.

Tags: public opinion, south africa, fifa world cup

Russia Makes Another Big Step in Visa-Free World

The list of countries where Russians can travel without visas has become longer. The agreement about non-visa travel between the citizens of Russia and Brazil came into effect on June 7. Russian diplomacy has taken a lot of efforts during the recent years to make the list of visa-free destinations for Russian travelers as long as possible.

Tags: russia, visas

The Fifth International Asian Congress Was Held in Istanbul

The Fifth International Asian Congress organized by the Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies (TASAM) was held in Istanbul on 3-5 June 2010... As part of Congress, representatives of think tanks, experts from Turkey and other CICA member countries, diplomats, academics and media members had an opportunity to exchange the ideas.

Tags: turkey, non-state pd, asian congress


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