A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

An Incomplete Strategic Review

Among the slew of strategy documents from the Obama administration this spring, full of academic analysis and verbal flourishes, Congress has rightly detected a certain lack of substance. Case in point: The question of whether the U.S. government needs a Center for Strategic Communications and Public Diplomacy.

Tags: united states, government pd, national security strategy

The sword alone will not bring peace

The problem we face today is one of imbalance. The Defense Department has an annual budget in the range of $750 billion. Compare that with all diplomatic, civilian efforts — which ring in at $50 billion... There are three obvious roles for diplomatic efforts: before, during and after conflicts.

Tags: united states, us department of state, us department of defense

Oil spill opens door to Cuba

Among the precious few beneficiaries of BP’s mother-of-all-oil spills (outside those who shorted the company's stock) may be diplomacy with Cuba. Or more precisely: oil diplomacy.

Tags: united states, cuba, oil diplomacy

OAS Meeting Begins in Peru Amid Tensions Over Status of Honduras

One of the main underlying tensions at the OAS meeting will be the question of whether to allow Honduras back into the organization, after it was ousted following that usurped then-President Manuel Zelaya.

Tags: united states, hillary clinton, honduras, organization of american states

Kenya hails diaspora remittances

[Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka] said the government will continue to engage its citizens abroad in various fields as they were not only contributors to the country's economic growth but are also ambassadors who play a crucial role of boosting positive image internationally.

Tags: africa, non-state pd, diaspora, kenya

China Flexes Its Soft Power

China’s new public diplomacy is ramping up to complement its traditional diplomacy. Chinese leaders are traversing the globe and receiving foreign leaders at home, but less noticed has been the blitz of China’s new soft-power efforts.

Tags: china, soft power, public opinion

Expo 2010 Shanghai: Is it worth it?

Thanks to the foresight of the International Exhibitions Bureau and the Shanghai municipal government, Expo 2010 has been timed to take place at the beginning of a new era: China's integration into the world.

Tags: shanghai expo

Expo for a greener future

Shanghai's massive population and endemic heavy pollution make it the ideal location for promoting a greener, more sustainable future.

Tags: shanghai expo


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