A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Obama cancels trip to Indonesia, science diplomacy will have to wait

US President Barack Obama has cancelled a much-awaited trip to Indonesia intended to drive his science diplomacy mission to the Muslim world.

Tags: science diplomacy

The EU needs a foreign policy doctrine

Today's world contains two declining global powers (Russia and the US) and two emerging ones (China and the EU). While China's rise is unstoppable, the EU must establish its own foreign policy doctrine, which in an interdependent world must be one of "inclusiveness" and soft power.

Tags: soft power, european union

Obama administration bridges US-Muslim divide

Over the past year, the Obama administration has been reaching out and listening to Muslim communities around the world, focusing on a “new beginning” based on mutual interest and respect that President Obama called for in his June 4, 2009, speech at Cairo University in Egypt.

Tags: united states, soft power, middle east, government pd, public opinion, barack obama

Partnership Of Democracies

This week, a delegation from India's government arrived in Washington for the first-ever strategic dialogue between India and the United States. This was no routine meeting. It was the culmination of years of intensive engagement between our countries engagement that will grow even deeper as we confront the urgent global, regional and local challenges of this era.

Tags: united states, government pd, india

America Sees Little Return From ‘Knockoff Power’

Soft power was a prix fixe menu: If you like our movies and music, then you’ll love our Bill of Rights and elections. Knockoff power is à la carte: Millions of people in modernizing societies wear the veneer of an Americanized way today but beneath it are going deeper into their own culture and becoming more fully themselves — prouder, more confident, less eager to follow a far-off superpower’s lead.

Tags: united states, soft power, public opinion

Russia aims to regain Middle East influence

Russia is seeking to recover its lost influence in the Middle East - and elsewhere. This time it's coming not with weapons, but with ballet and blinis, through a new federal agency

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, middle east, russia, lebanon

Vietnam-Brazil friendship association debuts

A congress was held in Hanoi on June 4 to establish the Vietnam-Brazil Friendship Association. Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Nguyen Van Lang was elected as Chairman of the Association. The congress adopted an action plan to promote cultural exchange and boost education and sports cooperation between the two countries.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, brazil, vietnam, exchanges

Cuba’s ’Dylan’ Plays Carnegie Hall as U.S. Boost Cultural Trade

On June 4, Rodriguez, 63, an artist closely identified with the Cuban revolution, will begin his first U.S. tour in 31 years at Manhattan’s Carnegie Hall...“The Obama administration has come through with its pledge to use cultural diplomacy as an olive branch with Cuba,” Bill Martinez, a San Francisco immigration lawyer who handled Rodriguez’s visa application

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, cuba


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