A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Soap Operas Sell Soft Power, but US Loses Out to Spicy Latin Dramas

Audiences for daytime shows have shrunk in the United States since the 1980s, as the number of channels increased and more women entered the workforce...By relegating soap operas to daytime television and female audiences and resisting changes to a formula that worked during the 1950s and 1960s, the United States could inadvertently relinquish a hefty, if unintentional, tool in its soft-power arsenal.

Tags: united states, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, latin america

Manmohan, Zuma dabble in football diplomacy

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on Friday, found time for a bit of soccer diplomacy, wishing South Africa a “grand success” as it gears up to host the FIFA World Cup...At a joint press meet with South African President Jacob Zuma, Manmohan Singh said: "In a week from now, South Africa will host the football World Cup. On behalf of the people of India, I have conveyed our best wishes to President Zuma for its grand success."

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, india, south africa, fifa world cup

From ‘Korea discount’ to ‘Korea premium’

South Korea has enjoyed greatly enhanced international status in recent years...For most of the 20th century, South Korea had never been truly included in the core of global discussions. So the country being picked as the 2010 chair country of the G-20 certainly qualifies as a dramatic turn around.

Tags: nation branding, public opinion, economic diplomacy, korea

Trade flourishes as Syria befriends old foe Turkey

A warming of once-chilly Turkish-Syrian ties has unleashed a one-way trade boom...Turkey's popularity in Syria soared after an Israeli raid on Gaza-bound aid ships in which nine Turks were killed on May 31."Turkey now has a stake in the Palestinian cause, and Syria stands to gain," a diplomat said. "It will be more difficult for Israel to launch any military action against Syria."

Tags: government pd, public opinion, turkey, syria, trade diplomacy

Ayalon claims successes in PR battle

Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon has mounted a robust defense of official Israel’s performance on the public diplomacy “battlefield” over the fatal flotilla raid this week...“While some have criticized Israel’s public relations readiness for the ghastly events that took place on Monday morning, far more have expressed increasing satisfaction with the vast improvement in Israel’s official crisis management,” he added.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, israel, gaza

Kenya, China to cement bilateral relationship

Kenya and China on Thursday pledged to strengthen bilateral cooperation during a meeting between senior officials of the two countries...[Wang Gang, vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee] said the Sino-Kenyan ties have witnessed great development of friendship and successful cooperation in such fields as politics, infrastructure and trade, as well as mutual support in international affairs.

Tags: china, government pd, africa, kenya

Unprecedented US, India Engagement Defines New Era of Cooperation

Senior U.S. and Indian officials have begun an unprecedented strategic dialogue aimed at increasing cooperation in combating terrorism, climate change and other global problems. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she hopes the talks will dispel lingering doubts on both sides about the growing bilateral partnership.

Tags: united states, government pd, india

Presence of sake grows in diplomacy

Sake is gradually increasing its presence at banquets where Japanese government leaders play host to foreign dignitaries...sake has begun to be included among other beverages at dinners and receptions amid growing calls from within the ministry to actively push sake in the field of diplomacy.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, japan, gastrodiplomacy


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