A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

US and Arabs must work together to ‘build bridges’

In a meeting with reporters, Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith McHale said that it was critically important in today’s complex world for the US and Arab people to learn more about each other and debate on issues.

Tags: united states, media, government pd, qatar, judith mchale, under secretary for public diplomacy and public affairs

China’s Not That Into the World Cup

As excitement builds around the FIFA World Cup, marketers globally want to leverage the event to build brands. But the job is especially difficult in China, where the World Cup, and soccer generally, are experienced and understood in a unique way.

Tags: china, shanghai expo, south africa, fifa world cup

Namibia: Racism And the World Cup

The Football World Cup kicks off on Friday. This is an opportune occasion to reflect on the fact that sport is meant to foster social cohesion, bring different cultures together in a celebration of healthy competition...

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, africa, non-state pd, fifa world cup

Hamas rejects Israel-approved snack foods for Gaza

The Hamas government said Thursday it will not let newly approved food items into the Gaza Strip as long as Israel maintains its blockade of the territory...The order was symbolic at best, leaving a ban in place on desperately needed construction and industrial materials.

Tags: government pd, israel, palestine, gaza aid

Israel eases Gaza embargo to allow snack food in

Israel is easing its Gaza embargo to allow snack food and drinks into the Palestinian enclave, Palestinian officials said Wednesday, following an international outcry over Israel's raid on an aid flotilla.

Tags: middle east, government pd, israel, palestine, gaza

Sinking BP shares ignite trans-Atlantic rift

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill risked turning into a trans-Atlantic diplomatic rift Thursday after U.S. threats to have BP fork out billions more for the disaster caused a precipitous slide in the blue-chip's stock, hurting retirement savings for millions of Britons.

Tags: united states, government pd, public opinion, britain, bp oil spill

Armenia, Qatar interested in reinforcement of bilateral relations

The Foreign Minister (of Armenia) noted that the reinforcement and expansion of relations with the Arab world is among the priorities of Armenia’s foreign policy, that’s why it has decided to establish new diplomatic representations in Arab countries.

Tags: government pd, qatar, armenia

Turkey signs deal with Arab neighbors to create free trade zone

Turkey signed a deal Thursday with its Arab neighbors of Syria, Jordan and Lebanon to establish a cooperation council to create a zone of free movement of goods and persons among them.

Tags: government pd, turkey, syria, trade diplomacy, lebanon, jordan


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