A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Reinventing ‘diplomacy’ with Music

In an effort to build understanding between cultures, The Handshake Concert is a creative initiative in ‘Music Diplomacy’ to celebrate friendship and culture. Well-known musicians such as Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, Lama Tashi, Cultural Vibrants, OFF, Nise Meruno, Asin Shurhozelie, Tetseo Sisters, Medusa and Soulmate will be performing at The Handshake Concert in New Delhi on World Music Day on June 21.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india

J Street trying to block flotilla letter

In the most open conflict in months between the left-leaning Israel group J Street and the traditional pro-Israel powerhouse AIPAC, the liberal group is asking members of Congress not to sign a letter backed by AIPAC that supports the Israeli side of the Gaza flotilla incident.

Tags: united states, public opinion, israel, non-state pd, gaza

Which Way: Chamberlain’s Or Churchill’s?

Throughout the first year of his administration, Barack Obama felt the need to apologize for the perceived arrogance and moralizing of his predecessor. The notion of American exceptionalism was rejected, as were the clear lines of good and evil...The Obama administration initiated a new diplomacy of "mutual interest and mutual respect"...

Tags: united states, government pd, barack obama

To Work on a Friendship

Any development in the relations between India and the United States of America is preceded by great hype. This has been the pattern ever since Bill Clinton’s visit to India as president, the first such visit of a US president in decades. It is hardly surprising then that the recently concluded first strategic dialogue between the two countries should generate great expectations.

Tags: united states, government pd, india

U.S. Deploys Tech Firms to Win Syrian Allies

The State Department has dispatched a high-level diplomatic and trade mission to Syria, according to senior U.S. officials, marking the latest bid by the Obama administration to woo President Bashar al-Assad away from his strategic alliance with Iran. The U.S. delegation comprises senior executives from some of America's top technology companies...

Tags: united states, government pd, syria, technology

The Tragic Logic of Israel

It's easy to exagerrate the extent of Israel's diplomatic isolation, and you can count on that to happen every time an incident like the Gaza flotilla occurs. But what is indisputable is that since at least the Lebanon War of 2006, the Israeli strategic braintrust has prioritized maintaining absolute liberty of action over massaging international opinion.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, israel, gaza flotilla

Security Council or Secret Society?

The curious reality is that the 15-nation [Security] council is frequently unwilling to formally acknowledge that it is meeting to discuss the many security crises that land on its door. The problem is that once an issue is officially "placed on the agenda" of the Security Council, it's hard to get it off, granting the U.N. Security Council an open-ended opportunity to play a role in the affairs of a politically sensitive or unstable region.

Tags: china, united states, government pd, russia, united nations, un security council

The Future of U.S. International Broadcasting: Light at the End of the Tunnel?

On June 9, 2010, Senator Richard Lugar's (R-IN) office, under the leadership and guidance of Senior Professional Staff member Paul Foldi, released a report prepared for the U.S. Senate's Committee on Foreign Relations on the future of U.S. International Broadcasting. The report, titled, "U.S. International Broadcasting--Is Anybody Listening--Keeping the U.S Connected," is by far the most comprehensive, up-to-date and clear writing on the state and future of American international broadcasting.

Tags: united states, international broadcasting, government pd, richard lugar, senate foreign relations committee


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