A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Getting Hate Speech Off Music-Streaming Services

In a week of renewed national attention to organized white supremacy, the music-streaming platform Spotify has removed a number of bands alleged to be associated with neo-Nazism.

Tags: digital diplomacy, virtual protest, spotify, united states, neo-nazi, music

Fun, Food, Diplomacy Mingle on J-Day

J-Day is an annual nationwide celebration for international students who work and study in America on J-1 visas. [...] Cape May County is home to about 3,000 international students this summer.

Tags: international exchange, cap may county, united states, Exchange students, j-day, j-1 visa program

Practical Advice from the USC Center on Public Diplomacy

At the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) we research and analyze the ways organizations use social media and digital tools. In our efforts and collaborations, we’ve identified some top tactics that can benefit any organization. [...] How can you sustain your expanded network and leverage social media to maximum benefit in building a stronger and more engaged community?

Tags: usc center on public diplomacy, Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, social media, soft power, facebook, twitter, instagram, linkedin

Australia’s Foreign Minister Keen on Fashion Diplomacy with India

Australian high commissioner to India Harinder Sidhu feels that when two nations are forging a relationship they usually talk about political, diplomatic or economical tie-ups but what matters most is the link between people. Sidhu says Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop emphasizes on creating bonds through “fashion diplomacy” and India is one of the countries that tops the chart.

Tags: fashion diplomacy, india, australia, people-to-people diplomacy, relationship building, collaboration

Pakistan, Iran to Revive Film, Broadcasting Industry

Marriyum Aurangzeb said that Pakistan was keen to encourage cultural exchanges and people-to-people contacts to enhance and deepen the religious and cultural bonds which already existed between the two neighboring countries. She said that Pakistan would welcome any initiative by the Iranian government for further expansion in the cultural ties and shall take every possible step to introduce each other's culture to the people of both the countries.

Tags: international broadcasting, film, pakistan, iran, people-to-people diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy

China, Russia Youth to Exchange Ideas on Internet Media

During their visit to Rostov-on-Don, students from China will communicate with their Russian peers on internet media technologies and together they will produce a video clip on the city landscape, which will be broadcast at the opening ceremony of the 2017 China-Russia Media Forum, following the China-Russia Youth Innovation Union.

Tags: international exchange, digital diplomacy & new tech, china, russia, youth diplomacy, internet, media technologies

Apple Denounces Neo-Nazis as Spotify Bans ‘White Power’ Tracks

Apple, LinkedIn, Spotify and Twitter have joined a growing chorus of technology companies to hit out at the far right and Donald Trump's attempt to put white supremacists and leftwing counter-demonstrators at Saturday’s Charlottesville protest on the same moral plane. [...] Apple also pledged to match two-for-one employee donations to human rights groups until 30 September, and said it would roll out donation systems for the SPLC through its iTunes store.

Tags: international advocacy, social media revolt, virtual protest, digital diplomacy, charlottesville protests, Donald Trump

UK and Latin America Team Up on Biodiversity

A new project aims to promote co-operation between biodiversity researchers across the UK and six Latin American countries. Funded by the British Council’s Newton Fund and in partnership with the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Researcher Links aims to enhance scientific collaboration by promoting an international exchange of researchers between universities in UK, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Argentina and Brazil.

Tags: international cooperation, uk, latin america, biodiversity, science diplomacy, international exchange


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