A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
A Program for Foreign Students to Promote Global Citizenship
Pioneered by Youth Without Frontiers, a 16-week special education program, We are Discovering the World, aims to raise foreign students' awareness of international subjects and enhance their knowledge of different societies and nations
The Power of the Big Screen
Now more nations rely on their soft power to find diplomatic solutions. When it comes to this, films, especially commercial films, are some of the best choices around.
ISIS, Islamic Extremism, and The 'Long War'
The “soft power” of religious opinion makers is an important factor. In fact, some have argued as Amb. Charles Freeman (USFS, ret.) has that “only a coalition with a strong Muslim identity can hope to contain” the terrorists.
Why House of Cards is a Victory for Vladimir Putin
After years spent exhorting the virtues of soft power, Western diplomats must be watching House of Cards with gloom.
Department of State Launches Global Partnerships Week 2015
The U.S. Department of State is proud to launch Global Partnerships Week 2015 (GPW), March 9–15, 2015, which celebrates the critical role public-private partnerships play in promoting diplomacy and development around the world.
China Increasingly Seen as No. 1, And That’s a Problem for Beijing
The consequences of China’s continued strong growth, and prolonged economic weakness in much of the west, have been more than financial. In terms of perceptions, many international publics believe the global economic balance of power has swung sharply toward the country.
HBKU Hosts Students From US University
The visit was part of a programme that works with students from both the US and Qatar and seeks to promote cross-cultural understanding and dialogue on public policy and diplomacy issues. Key themes of the 2015 conference included education, energy, health, and gender and equality.
Soft Power for Sale: Money Talks Through NGOs
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)are becoming ever-more significant on the international scene. They continue to exert substantial influence over many areas of public debate, often because they provide ammunition to government officials and bureaucrats, as well as to candidates and political parties supposedly coming from “objective” sources.
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