A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
Being Viewed as No 1 is a Problem for Beijing
In terms of perceptions, many international publics believe the global economic balance of power has swung sharply towards the country. It has exposed the country to greater foreign scrutiny for which it has generally been ill-prepared. This has exposed a growing "soft-power deficit" which is complicating China's rise to power.
When Congress Toys with Foreign Policy
Last week, the entire world watched the United States Congress giving the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, a fervent round of applause with 26 standing ovations. While almost all major world powers criticize Netanyahu’s position against nuclear negotiations with Iran, the U.S. Congress embraced it with open arms. What message does this send to the rest of the world?
How to Fire Up America
A distinctive, bilingual Hispanic American culture is blurring old distinctions between Mexican-Americans and other Latinos. That culture’s swaggering soft power can be felt across the Spanish-speaking world.
Spending More on Foreign Aid Makes Britain Richer, Safer and Morally Better
This commitment is also crucial to our own long-term strategic interests in Britain. In the Department for International Development, we have a unique institution - with the right mandate and funding - which gives the UK world-leading soft power capacity
Paris Fashion Week a Great Opportunity for Michael Lo Sordo and Australian Fashion Designers
Michael Lo Sordo dreams of Paris, but like many fashion designers he is yet to conquer the world's style capital. His dream edged a little closer to reality when he took part in Australian Designers Abroad, a new initiative aimed at promoting Australian fashion design talent during Paris Fashion Week.
China's Female J-10 Pilots to Make Int'l Debut at Air Show
China's female acrobatic pilots Yu Xu, Tao Jiali, Sheng Yifei, He Xiaoli have left for Malaysia on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, where they will be performing at the Langkawi International Maritime & Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) next week.
BBC Plans New North Korea Radio News Service
In a move that could plunge the corporation into confrontation with the North Korean dictator, the World Service is examining how to set up a special news channel that will get around Pyongyang’s ban on foreign media broadcasts.
To Fight IS, West Needs to Better Understand Foe
The United States is conducting a “soft power” campaign – an effort to deter potential IS recruits and supporters of the militant group. Projects are being aimed at the young, who have joined IS in alarming numbers from around the world.
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