A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Solving Border Crisis Calls for U.S. Engagement Abroad

As one who had the honor of serving 35 years in the U.S. military, my experience has convinced me that America’s interests are inextricably linked to the prosperity and security of other nations and their people. Today’s global crises frequently do not have a military solution, but require a comprehensive American engagement that strengthens the civilian tools of development and diplomacy that are essential in enabling countries around the world to address the challenges threatening their security and prosperity as well as ours.

Tags: global aid and development, public diplomacy, budget cuts, mexico, latin america, united states, cross border cooperation

Islamic State Draws Heat from Israel - But Not for Long

From the Israeli perspective, there’s some public diplomacy benefit here. The world is being somewhat distracted from what’s going on in Gaza, and now Israel is not the only country bombing Islamic extremists. But these are small comforts at best. Europe, in particular, seems to have gotten fed up with the IDF’s operations in Gaza, even as it declares its understanding for Israel’s right to defend itself. And despite the renewal of rocket fire, even the United States is expecting Israel to come to some long-term agreement with Hamas.

Tags: israel, gaza, isis, iraq, middle east, israel-palestinian conflict, hamas, counter terrorism

Put ‘Soft Power’ to Use in the Border Crisis

Despite what politicians say, the border crisis is not an immigration problem or a border security problem.  These kids — these tired, poor, huddled masses — are not economic migrants. They — these homeless, tempest tossed to us — are seeking refuge from violent gangs and corrupt cops in Central America. If we deal with the problem that exists instead of having the fight politicians want, then we can do some good.

Tags: soft power, united states, immigration, barack obama

Iraqi Kurdish Leader Barzani Seeks Weapons to Fight IS

The political leader of Iraq's Kurds, Massoud Barzani, has appealed for international military aid to help defeat Islamist militants in the north.  The plea came as the US launched a fourth round of air strikes targeting Islamic State fighters near Irbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Tags: islamic state, iraq, kurdish, military aid, aid diplomacy, global aid, united states, united kingdom, france

Seeing Mexico City, Guided by Architects

When you first arrive in Mexico City, your senses are overwhelmed by the sheer size and the never-ending hum of activity. Choosing a focal point can be exhausting. Every facet of the city seems as important as the next.  If you’re an architecture enthusiast, this feeling is multiplied twofold.

Tags: mexico, architecture, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy

Hagel Says U.S., India Should Jointly Develop, Produce Arms

The U.S. and India must broaden the scope of their military partnership by jointly developing and producing arms, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Saturday.  Capping a three-day visit to New Delhi, Mr. Hagel also said the U.S. and India should increase the "scale and complexity" of their military exercises.

Tags: united states, india, military diplomacy, military exchange

Special U.S. ‘Diplomats’ Play a Welcome Tune

State Department work doesn’t just involve diplomats and briefcases. U.S. cultural diplomacy sent “jazz ambassadors” such as Dizzy Gillespie and Louis Armstrong overseas at the height of the Cold War in the 1950s and 1960s. The programs and cultural exchanges have only expanded since.

Tags: music diplomacy, jazz diplomacy, united states, Cultural Diplomacy

Share Your Hijab Fashion on Instagram

For many Muslim women around the world, the hijab — the scarf covering their hair — is not just a religious accouterment but also a symbol of their identity.  Young Muslim women are posting pictures of themselves in their hijabs on Instagram, inspiring large followings and placing more emphasis on the traditional headpiece as a fashion statement.

Tags: instagram, social media, digital diplomacy, faith diplomacy, fashion diplomacy, islam, hijab


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