"Out beyond ideas of right and wrong there is a field. I'll meet you there." -Rumi In the subcontinent, there is really only one religion that unites India, Pakistan and Bangladesh: cricket. With India’s...
KEEP READINGNEW CPD Perspectives, “Cases in Water Diplomacy”
The most recent installment in the CPD Perspectives series, "Cases in Water Diplomacy" is an edited volume of six case studies in water diplomacy. Released on the heels of the 10th annual World Water Day (observed March 22nd, as mandated by the United Nations General Assembly), this collection highlights the ever-growing importance of strategic water diplomacy in all regions of the world.
Naomi Leight, CPD's Assistant Director for Research & Publications, writes:
"The United States is far from being the only player in the area of water diplomacy, and in this issue of CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy we have collected a number of case studies brought to us by scholars and practitioners from around the globe. In these instances, water diplomacy strategies were implemented by governments, improving water access for the public and developing and enhancing relationships with the local population. We also showcase research, conducted by former CPD Research Intern Emily Chin, which highlights three regions in which public diplomacy is desperately needed because of the water vulnerability these cross-border populations are facing."
"Cases in Water Diplomacy" covers this salient issue in countries as geographically, culturally and water diverse as Bangladesh, Ghana, Hungary, Iraq, Somalia and Uzbekistan emphasizing that water challenges face the entire globe.
To read the entire work, click here.
To learn more about CPD's Water Diplomacy Initiative, click here.
CPD Perspectives is a periodic publication from the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, and highlights scholarship intended to stimulate critical thinking about the study and practice of public diplomacy.
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