Middle East

Even in this emotionally fraught time most Arab states continue to ignore public diplomacy, writes Philip Seib in the CPD Blog.

Exploring the discord between Turkey's democratic rhetoric and its actions.


The International Military Officer program is a highly competitive educational exchange which dates back to 1884 - but how does it impact military public diplomacy in today's armed forces?

Scholar David Manning has examined how international military exchanges serve participants beyond the classroom. He discussed his insights on the program and its impact once officers return home. 

About David Manning

When: Feb 13th, 8:30am - 5:00pm. Reception to follow
Where: Annenberg Auditorium

This is a free event
To RSVP, click here.

The Hajj is a part of Saudi Arabia's religious soft power

Najah Al-Osaimi considers Saudi Arabia's smart power strategy.

Manor & Segev's study on self-framing by Russia, Iran and the U.S. in Social Networking Sites

Guards escort a Guantanamo captive in chains to a recreational area

Lauren Lee White considers the public diplomacy fallout of illegal detentions at Guantanamo.
