
CPD Assistant Director for Research and Publications, Naomi Leight, participated on a panel, organized by BINA LA, to discuss the impact of film and culture in Israel’s public diplomacy strategy.

CPD Research Fellow Caitlin Byrne(2010-2012) is one of the keynote speaker's at Australian National University's conference on 'Public and Citizen Diplomacy.'

CPD Blog Contributor and MPD Alumnus (2010) Paul Rockower was recently quoted in The Indianapolis Star on Thai gastrodiplomacy.

CPD Director Philip Seib was recently quoted in an article in The Layalina Review concerning President Obama’s new vision for American foreign policy in the Middle East.

CPD Director Philip Seib was quoted in an article on the departure of Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith McHale in the Policy Monitor for the Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange.

CPD is now contributing "PDiN Quarterly- Trends in Public Diplomacy" to the Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Journal published by Palgrave MacMillan.

CPD's Media Monitor Report on Wikileaks: America's Cablegate covers the effects of the staggered release of nearly 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables which began in late 2010.

CPD Director Philip Seib has been quoted in Al Jazeera article concerning President's Obama's speech on economic aid to Tunisia and Egypt.
