Sports diplomacy is often brought up in discussions of mega events such as the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup, but sometimes it is the athletes—beyond the sport itself—that bring publics together. Michael K. Park's...
KEEP READINGEngaging the Hermit Kingdom
North Korea is currently one of the world's hottest hot spots. Below is a look at efforts from and toward the rogue nation to engage with diplomacy, rather than weapons.
Dennis Rodman and Sports Diplomacy Gone Awry: Markos Kounalakis on when fun and games go wrong.
Tough Nut: BBC Plans a North Korean Service: The BBC is planning a radio service to North Korea, and will have to navigate a landmine to do so.
Why North Korea's 'Tourism Diplomacy' Fails: Photos from one man's dismal, and very odd, vacation.
Engaging the DPRK through Science Diplomacy: Scientists are problem solvers who speak a common language. Read about this particular Syracuse-Pyongyang project.
Multimedia Content (WATCH):
- Conan Stars in North Korea's First Late Night Talk Show: Conan O'Brien takes his show on the road to South Korea, visiting the World Tae Kwon Do headquarters, a Buddhist Temple and the DMZ.
- Basketball Diplomacy: Lunch with the North Korean Team: In which Ryan Duffy and Dennis Rodman travel to North Korea to exercise Basketball Diplomacy with Kim Jong Un.
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