First ladies since Eleanor Roosevelt have developed over the years to do more than serve merely as White House hostess-in-chief. Barbara Bush took on an issue, applied her passion, and tried to move the needle on literacy....
KEEP READINGNew Book: Cultural Dialogue Across Borders
The fifth volume of Open Europe: Cultural Dialogue Across Borders edited by Barbara Curylo, Joanna Kulska, and Aleksandra Trzcieliñska-Polus, includes a number of papers that explore the rise of new diplomatic actors, new tools used in diplomacy, and their role in humanizing international relations in Central Europe. The papers collected were prepared by participants of New Diplomacy in Open Europe a sub-project within the research project Cultural Dialogue Across Borders, which was co-sponsored by the Visegrad Fund.
Topics covered in the book with relevance to public diplomacy include the following:
- Dialogue as a Key Element of Track II Diplomacy by Joanna Kulska
- The Crisis in Crimea: Analysis of On-line Communication of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group Countries by Roland Kyška
- EU Public Diplomacy: Analytical Discourse in the Context of Polylateral Diplomacy by Barbara Curylo
- Humanitarian Diplomacy of the European Union by Joanna Dobrowolska-Polak
- Polish Public Diplomacy towards the Czech Republic 2011–2013 by Anna Szczepañska
- Public Diplomacy in the Cities Divided by State Border:The Case of Cieszyn and Èeský Tìšín by Radosaw Zenderowski and Mateusz Krycki
- The Challenges and Prospects of Cross-Border Cooperation and Public Diplomacy between Austria and the Slovak Republic after 1989 by Boris Mattoš
- Challenges for Ethnic Minorities in the Early 21st Century: Towards a Diplomacy of Ethnic Minorities. The Case of Pécs by Inez Zsófia Koller
To view all papers in this publication, click here.
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