
An overview of CPD's most popular blogs last month on topics ranging from Iranian soccer diplomacy to Turkey's Armenian initiative.

The Lebanese Consulate in Sao Paulo outright rejected a television report about the status of Arab women, particularly in Lebanon, saying the show demonstrated ignorance of the situation in Lebanon. “The Consulate General of Lebanon in Sao Paulo vehemently condemns the report Globo presented on Sunday 29.6.2014 addressing the situation of women in the Middle East, specifically in Lebanon,” Consul Kabalan Frangieh said in a statement. 

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi flies to Brazil mid-July, it will be a welcome respite from the heat and cacophony of post-budget Delhi. President Dilma Rousseff's grand welcome to the sixth Brics summit will be energising. The summit's pomp and ceremony will, however, be less important than Modi's 'side meetings', especially with Chinese president Xi Jinping. It will allow him to take measure of the man who has emerged as one of the most powerful and ambitious leaders of modern China.

 When huge protests rocked Brazilian cities a year ago, Raphael Rabelo was among the multitudes in the streets, even joining the thousands of demonstrators enraged with political corruption and spending on lavish World Cup stadiums who danced on the roof of the Congress building in Brasília. But in a U-turn reflecting shifting attitudes in Brazil about the soccer tournament now that it is underway, Mr.

Assessing the success of Brazil’s hosting of the World Cup 2014 and Olympic Games 2016 will pivot on more than positive net income metrics and avoiding a stadium infrastructure legacy of white elephants. The aspiration of hosting mega-sport events such as the World Cup is often justified in terms of nation branding. In the case of Brazil, successful nation branding will mean that by hosting a World Cup, Brazil will create and generate certain – hopefully favorable – national images. 

Brazil World Cup

How Brazil is using the World Cup to achieve nation branding and diplomatic objectives.

Prince Harry has notched up a royal first by recording a video message to thank the people of Brazil for their hospitality during his stay in the country.  It is a long-standing custom for members of the Royal family to write to their hosts to thank them after they have been abroad, but the Prince’s message is the first to be filmed.

Taking a closer look at the opportunities created by the World Cup this year, in Brazil and elsewhere.
