corporate diplomacy

Earlier this summer I had the opportunity to teach Corporate Diplomacy and Geopolitics for the MBA School at the University of San Francisco. My students were part of USF’s Executive Program—all working full-time while pursuing their degrees. Unlike my experience teaching this past spring at USC, where I had the luxury of a full semester, here I was given 6 weeks to cover the world.
Prime Minister David Cameron brought six cabinet members and more than 30 senior executives from leading British firms with him, in what Indian media described as the biggest delegation to visit since independence from Britain in 1947.
Like a marriage, a business relationship is nurtured by good communication. Yet one of the biggest difficulties global companies face these days is the failure to communicate effectively with overseas workers, partners and contractors.
[HSBC] bank, known for its "world's local bank" slogan, has backed this summer's Festival Brazil, a programme of cultural activities at London's South Bank Centre celebrating the country that is predicted to be the world's fifth-largest economy by 2025.
As a foreign and political film junkie, I may be one of the few people my age who has only just watched Empire of the Sun , the 1987 Spielberg film initially set in 1940s Shanghai...
As I am immersed day to day through my Business for Diplomatic Action role in engaging and guiding corporate executives in public diplomacy efforts, it got me thinking about those incredible Five Tool Diplomats and Executives...And then I wondered, what do they all have in common that has helped guide their success internationally? What are the critical skill sets that comprise a Five Tool Corporate Diplomat?
The conversation began innocently enough - sitting on a porch in Half Moon Bay, overlooking, ironically, The Mavericks - where only the best come to surf and conquer the monster waves.
“Cari, you’re a Five Tool Wife,” remarked one of my husband’s friends.