
The goal of this project was to stimulate greater awareness and knowledge of how culture influences public diplomacy and help generate multicultural perspectives of public diplomacy. Although cultural diplomacy may benefit from culture as a highly visible tool for promoting mutual understanding, public diplomacy is vulnerable to the hidden aspects of culture that can generate mutual misunderstanding.

September 25, 2011

It is one of India's wildly successful exports and a symbol of the country's soft power. But the curry is no longer simply "Indian" . It has become as much English or Scottish as it is Thai or Samoan. Once associated with the kitchens of the subcontinent, the curry's aroma now wafts across continents effortlessly, often taking on a life of its own.

“Across the world, bridges of understanding strain under the weight of intolerance and polarization.” He told the meeting that promoting dialogue and understanding has long been considered a form of ‘soft power’ because it brings about change slowly, without military action.

Director of National Library and Archives of Iran said that that 20th century is the century in which cultural diplomacy is prevailing politics. In order to fulfill the goal during the past century, Iran established its National Library and today the organization is proud to hold a fair for Ukraine's National Day."

So goes one of the fundamental laws of physics. In the face of recent "actions" in the West -- economic crisis and rampant Islamophobia, there is an inexorable "reaction", as the eternal values of Islam continue to manifest themselves.

“And what is more intensive is the cultural diplomacy. There is greater interest from other countries in what we are doing. I did a briefing for 55 consular corps in Scotland this week. That is my job: it’s who we are, where we are, and where we want to be.”

China is keen on promoting its soft power," Shen Dingli, professor at the Center for American Studies at Shanghai's Fudan University said in a telephone interview. Joint productions serve "the political purpose to promote our culture and systems with Hollywood's competence.

August 17, 2011

This is the opportunity to raise the bar. In fact, like the treasure of King Tut, some of the exhibits must be assembled for a travelling exhibition. That would be India's best step forward in cultural diplomacy. It would make a statement about enhancing the country's presence and reinforcing faith in our living tradition.
