
Students all over the world are learning Chinese and reaping its benefits. The number is rising as China plays a more important role on the world stage and offers many job opportunities. And learning about 5,000 years of culture is a big draw.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, arguably the world’s best-known advocate of women’s and girls’ rights, is facing criticism for not jumping on the bandwagon of a women’s cause recently in the news: the right of Saudi women to drive. But this can be a tricky cause to take on – as one advocate of American ideals in the Bush administration, Karen Hughes, discovered during her time in office.

It’s official, at least as far as a Japanese government survey is concerned: Americans see China, rather than Japan, as their most important partner in Asia. The opinion leaders’ view offers even more emphatic confirmation that trade relations are increasingly carrying more weight than political or general ties with the U.S., usually cited as a reason for choosing Japan.

...A growing number of historic buildings in Central Asia, the Balkans, Europe, the Middle East and Africa have been restored and renovated. Turkey has also been carrying out a broad initiative in a large number of different countries in the fields of education, cultural cooperation, energy, commerce, transportation, health, housing and administrative issues as well.

The scandal that embroiled IMF chief Dominic Strauss-Kahn has shocked France in more ways than one. While the allegations themselves were a revelation, the Frenchman's treatment by US media left some observers stunned.

Cities across the globe were marking the 53rd African Liberation Day with lectures, music, food, and street marches. In Washington, D.C., people gathered on May 20, 2011 for an early celebration with panel discussions and the screening of the documentary "Apocolypse Africa.

The group had been invited to Botswana by the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture through the Department of Arts and Culture to provide a cultural exchange between the Zambians and local artists

A variety of marketing campaigns were launched in international markets. And ambitious tourism projects were proposed, mostly on the premise that "if you build it they will come", but with little real grounding in proper market analysis and solid business projections, and with an unrealistic view of capital injection.
