The United States will continue its assertive support for fundamental rights and will hold this UN body to the highest standards -- standards rooted in the bedrock values of our nation and the belief that international peace, security, and prosperity are strengthened when human rights and fundamental freedoms are respected and protected.

Trudeau emphasizes that "Canada is back" on the global stage. But how true is it?

What is the state of U.S. public diplomacy today, and what are the challenges?

The 2016 edition of the Soft Power 30 Index is now available.

The updated version of the index examines 162 nations using 35 key indicators.

A CPD paper reflects on and refines current practices in digital advocacy campaigns.
This animated video delves into the interconnected realities of globalization - both its successes and its failings - to highlight why transnational collaboration and dialogue matter on the world stage.
Measuring the impact of digital diplomacy using quantitative metrics (number of followers, retweets, shares, likes...) has become a general practice among Ministries of Foreign Affairs (MFAs) […] the MFAs’ digital communication campaigns are presumed not to merely “preach to the choir” of sympathetic followers, but to actually reach constituencies outside the self-reinforcing “bubble” of like-minded followers.