foreign policy

Jakarta needs a strategy that attracts greater ties with countries of the Middle East.

Discovering Digital Diplomacy: The Case of Mediatization in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland is a recent study by Aino Huxely that describes how the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs perceives and adopts Digital Diplomacy. The author chose Finland’s MFA as a case study because this ministry has had an active online strategy over the past few decades. 

September 16, 2014

Wrapping up an account of the Narendra Modi government’s foreign policy activism in its first hundred days in office, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj claimed last week that Indian diplomacy had moved into high gear with its “fast-track diplomacy”. The foreign ministry’s public diplomacy division has published a colorful booklet filled with photographic evidence of the government’s impressive global engagement in the past three months. 

"The Rise Of Hydro-Diplomacy" - Interview with Benjamin Pohl, adelphi, at the World Water Week

September 9, 2014

Watch this interview with Benjamin Pohl, lead author and senior project manager with Adelphi who shares insights to the report “The Rise of Water Diplomacy.”

These are some points of foreign policy reform that Indonesia under Jokowi’s leadership can implement. First, reforms in human resources development are paramount to shape quality foreign policy and diplomacy. Our pressing need is the formulation of a Foreign Service Law, which will serve as a procedural mechanism for diplomatic positions. Ambassadorship, for instance, is the only state-appointed position where its designation has not yet been regulated under a law, despite the constitutional mandate.

September 2, 2014

It is time India asserted itself on the international stage in the areas of contemporary art and the other diverse realms that constitute the notion of culture to make a strong statement as a ‘soft power’. This is something that the Western world has brought into play as an important artery of foreign as well as domestic policy to project humane dimensions and to generate pride and confidence in the people.

No. 1: Will there be a deal on Ukraine? The crisis in Ukraine has been a colossal failure of analysis and of diplomacy, with plenty of blame to share on all aides. The main victims, alas, have been the unfortunate Ukrainian people. As I've written before, I think the United States and the West played a key role in causing the crisis, mostly by failing to anticipate that Russia was going to respond forcefully and vigorously to what its leaders regarded as a gradual attempt to incorporate Ukraine into the West. 
