foreign policy

If there is one thing that most Australians, from across the political spectrum, can agree upon it is that foreign policy has emerged as one of the key strengths of the Coalition Government lead by Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his team. The energetic and creative leadership of Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and the Trade and Investment Minister Andrew Robb was demonstrated most recently with the launch of the Coalition's Economic Diplomacy policy at the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Sydney.

Willis Conover, 1969

VOA veteran Joseph Bruns outlines ways to keep the int'l broadcasting giant relevant.

Government-sponsored international broadcasting is an increasingly high-profile topic, not least because it crosses both metaphorical and physical boundaries between journalism and foreign policy. 

Broadcasting Board of Governors newsroom

Emily Metzgar considers whether U.S. international broadcasting can serve policy needs while keeping its journalistic integrity.

The massive gathering of nearly 50 African heads of state and government in Washington allowed top U.S. officials to broker deals between American companies and African dignitaries, as well as press privately for action on security and human rights concerns. And at a time when Europe and major economies such as China are expanding their foothold in Africa, the conference gave the United States a chance to reinforce its long-standing connection to the continent.

As Israel seeks to end Hamas's latest war against it, the Obama administration flounders. In fact, the response of the president and his secretary of state has made the situation positively worse with regard to every relationship we have in the region. Opponents of terrorism and supporters of Israel struggle to understand the administration's approach.

Russians and Westerners have diametrically opposed interpretations of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, recent polls demonstrate, and that determines the decisions taken by policy-makers on both sides, analysts told The Moscow Times on Tuesday.

The Baker Institute for Public Policy has recently published a report titled, Changing Minds, Making Peace: U. S. Public Diplomacy Strategy in Support of an Israeli-Palestinian Two-State Solution, which emphasizes the important role of public opinion both in reaching and securing a peaceful agreement between Israel and Palestine and in preventing such an agreement. The role of U.S.
