higher education

CPD Research Fellow Alina Dolea advances diaspora diplomacy scholarship and proposes a theoretical and analytical framework for further study in the field. 

CPD Research Fellow Kyle A. Long explores how institutions of higher education help the U.S. gain competitive advantage and advance mutual understanding.

American universities abroad can advance U.S. geopolitical interests, but must also appear disinterested to remain credible in their local contexts–a difficult needle to thread.

CPD Dissertation Grantee Kyle Long is featured in a new book on the globalization of American liberal arts education.

New forms of international relations, where knowledge diplomacy is a significant soft power tool, are being shaped. 

The University of Denver says it wants to play a bigger role in world events and is kickstarting those efforts by giving former ambassador to Iraq Christopher R. Hill a new job. Hill, dean of DU’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies for the past seven years, on Tuesday was named chief adviser to the chancellor for global engagement and professor of the practice of diplomacy, a first-of-its-kind role for a major American university, school officials said.
