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The interactions between environmental issues and faith are evolving, as religious leaders weigh in to guide actions of the faithful on climate change. Buddhist leaders expressed support and lofty expectations for the Paris climate talks at the end of November.
When I finally finished my Ph.D. program after 11 years of training for a research career in the biomedical sciences, I couldn’t help feeling that something was missing. I grew up convinced that science was the best tool we had to improve the world... Then I learned about science diplomacy.
Pope Francis called Monday for a fresh start for Roma and Sinti communities, telling traveller families from around the world they could break free of prejudice by not falling into crime.
Work to restore a monastery on the divided island of Cyprus has brought Turkish Cypriots together with Greek Cypriots, and Muslims with Christians.
Liyuan's public persona has not disappointed in providing a spark of personality to China's image abroad. The high-profile spouse, widely regarded as the most visible since since Jiang Qing, the late wife of revolutionary leader Mao Zedong, has played a significant role in diplomacy.
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, a charity supporting dozens of social projects in Israel and the Jewish diaspora, as well as Israel's tourism ministry [] part of a new outreach effort to African-American churches by the interfaith group, which has offices in Jerusalem, Chicago, Toronto and Seoul.
In its short history of two-thirds of a century, the State of Israel has fought many wars, some of them against overwhelming odds, and has won them all. Right now, however, it is badly losing a war fought with words, not bullets, but the effect of which can be just as devastating for Israel’s future. This is, of course, the public diplomacy war.
Grand Mama Sarah Obama the Grand Mother of U.S. President Barack Obama Jr. endorsed the Safari Initiative, for the first US President ever to visit Kenya. The Presidency, Foreign Affairs and Tourism ministries, and security agencies top the list of State departments that have received millions of the Obama-visit funds.