public diplomacy

The literature on the relationship between public diplomacy and visas is as polarized as the effects that a nation’s visa policy can have on its image. Visa liberalization policies, such as the broadening of visa waiver programs, can often enhance a nation’s public diplomacy strategy.

In East Asia a new kind of big country-small country relationship is taking shape. There are two big countries involved in this situation: a rising China and the long-established power that is the United States. These two big countries need to find a way of accommodating each other’s aspirations and managing current tensions or there could be a disruption of the existing relative peace in the region. 

Butterfield’s almost wistful point is clearly rhetorical - but it raises important questions about the way we organize our thoughts on diplomacy, the flows and breaks in its development - even how diplomacy is conducted by constantly evolving states.

Effective Central European public diplomacy means opening up to new partnerships.

Once the Iraqi situation calms down, Kurdish leaders should embark on a public diplomacy campaign that stresses Kurdistan’s political and economic stability and its value as a partner to the West in sorting out the regional mess.

During the last decade Turkey, as a young republic and budding democracy, has demonstrated its ability to contain political crises and domestic discontent. The country still has a long way to go, but there are at least signs of shifts in the government’s attitude and a political will to move forward, manifesting in gradual but permanent changes.

The American Innovation Center (AIC) teamed up with software giant Microsoft Corp.'s Taiwan branch Tuesday to jointly promote digital learning among Taiwanese young people. The AIC Taiwan is the first of its kind in Asia. It was established by the U.S. Department of State in January this year, offering over 70 courses designed to encourage young people to think innovatively.

In this day and age, public diplomacy is all about social media. Any grass-roots effort that could help shape public opinion on the world stage while condemning and rebuking the acts of terror should be encouraged.
