public diplomacy

Mongolia’s coal resources have thrust the world’s least densely populated country into the midst of geopolitical diplomacy. Dealing with the current coking coal market downturn is just one concern for Mongolia’s national coal mining company, Mongolian Mining (MMC) (HKEX:0975).

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton never seems to have cooking far from her mind. She's turned the State Department kitchen into a tool of international diplomacy. Clinton put her Chief of Protocol, Capricia Penavic Marshall, in charge of what's come to be known as "food diplomacy."

July 6, 2012

They say a photo is worth a thousand words. Perhaps presidents Obama and Putin never heard of that expression. It is rare to the point of being unknown when the last time was that two world leaders showed such obvious mutual dislike of each other.

This report on CPD's conference “Water Diplomacy: A Foreign Policy Imperative” provides brief summaries of each panel discussion with a focus on preliminary observations and recommendations for the conduct of water public diplomacy and policy.

Many Israelis do understand the importance of international cooperation and value the resulting professional dividend. It is because of our unique and sensitive regional and global position that we must embrace every opportunity for international cooperation.

In a quiet corner of the South Bay, just beyond the neatly trimmed, cookie-cutter neighborhoods, Sheth has turned a boxy warehouse into the country's biggest table tennis center. In doing so the Indian immigrant is changing the face of a sport that has largely been an Olympic afterthought to Americans.

As a culmination of Georgia’s post 2008 reconsideration of its relations with the people of the North Caucasus, last week Georgian parliament adopted its State Strategy, targeting Circassians, Chechens, Ossetians, Ingush, Adyghes, Kabardins and other people in the North Caucasus.

Celebrities from home and abroad are flocking to the Yeosu Expo. The famous German rock band Juli visited Yeosu to celebrate Germany Day on June 15, followed by Dutch jazz singer and composer Wouter Hamel on June 18 on Netherlands Day.
