public diplomacy

Can a multilateral solution to a violent conflict take place without taking social media into account? Looking at online discussions about Syria since the beginning of 2012, Seib’s theory appears to bear true, as conversations that began in the realm of the official evolved into conversations laden with public opinions.

The head of the United Nations observer team in Syria says he will adjust the way the monitors work when their mission resumes, with a focus on staying in certain areas for longer periods of time. Major General Robert Mood told reporters...that the U.N. Security Council will decide on the future of the mission in the coming days and weeks.

In the Joint Communiqué of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China in 1972, the Japanese government stated it would deeply reflect on its aggression against China and the hurts and damage it brought to the Chinese people.

The controversial impeachment of Paraguay’s president, Fernando Lugo, is quickly turning into a kind of Rorschach test of Latin American politics: the reactions to it say more than the event does itself. Within hours of the rushed ouster on June 22, the diplomatic wheels were turning throughout the continent.

Immigrants' passion for America warps plans and bends dreams. My Pakistani parents realized that America changed their approach to life, just as it has changed everything else it has touched. American freedom is even helping (slowly) moderate latter-day Islam.

Delicious food and a piano recital by the highly acclaimed Chinese pianist Yundi Li opened the Experience China event in Japan on Monday..."The event is expected to serve as a window through which Japanese people can see a whole picture of China that is separated from their country only by a narrow strip of water," Wang Chen, minister of the State Council Information Office.

“This is an exercise in cultural and public diplomacy to project positive image of Pakistan and to highlight Pakistani culture and heritage,” said Consul-General Fakir Asif Hussain, the spirit behind the event. “Far from being confined within geographical borders, Pakistan Fashion has gone global, leaving its distinct mark on almost every major culture in the world.”
