public diplomacy

March 16, 2012

Public Diplomacy is one of the new trends in international relations. To begin, let’s settle on a simple definition of Public Diplomacy, “that element of diplomacy that involves a government reaching out to a public, rather than to another government.”

I confess that I have not been thinking much about whether the Brits will be able to top, or at least equal the Chinese in skillfully using the occasion of the Summer Olympics as a platform to advance their top line public diplomacy objectives.

I am writing today from the world city of London.

Nicholas J. Cull, CPD University Fellow and Director of the Master's of Public Diplomacy Program at USC will speak at Shanghai Jiao Tong University on "Public Diplomacy: Its General Foundations & Evaluating China’s PD" on Sunday, March 18, 2012.

Azerbaijan's authorities have intensified their efforts to improve the country's image abroad, hiring PR companies and lobbyists around Europe to burnish its image. Lavish business meetings and events ostensibly dedicated to culture are meant to boost the country's image abroad...

Peter Frisch, a senior political analyst at the European External Action Service...recommended that the EU work with Arab nations to develop more solid tourism strategies, ensure that democratic leaders stay in power, use public diplomacy to talk to the people and reach out to them...

The U.S. international broadcasting landscape will look different following the resignation of a key leader, budget cuts and recommendations by its main governing board to consolidate administrative services and reduce language services.
