public diplomacy

My own university has made an intentional effort to become home to some 8,000 international students...Such global diversity offers a meaningful learning laboratory not just for domestic students, but for international students who otherwise might be tempted to attend a relatively insulated American franchise in their home nation.

With the fall of Hungary’s Western-style, pluralistic democracy, the time is right for the United States to reinstate Radio Free Europe’s Hungarian-language broadcasts. Hungarian would then join 28 other languages in which RFE transmits its programs on radio stations in countries of the former Soviet Union, the Middle East, South Asia and the Balkans.

China’s new cross-strait action plan includes inviting Taiwanese to engage in “long stay” visits in China’s first-tier cities, living with selected Chinese families in an attempt to forge grassroots friendships. The Chinese authorities will also continue to encourage Taiwanese to study and work in China.

February 25, 2012

South Africa certainly has massive foreign-policy weaknesses: poor public diplomacy, inconsistent and unpredictable moves on the world stage, and political and technical skills deficits within the international relations department. But a dearth of morality is not one of them.

During Xi's visit here in U.S., the U.S. Department of State announced new private sector pledges and events in support of the 100,000 Strong Initiative, which seeks to increase the number and diversify the composition of Americans studying in China.

By the advent of the Cold War, dancers were being sent abroad and used as cultural ambassadors around the world to promote American values. In 1941, the government...sent dancers around South America to counteract anti-American sentiment.

According to the ambassador, the Lithuanian government further plans to develop bilateral cultural relations in the sphere of culture with the Azerbaijani side and support exchange of experience in the sphere of culture.

Although many Holly- and Bollywood scenes are shot in Switzerland, until now the country’s efforts to promote itself haven’t been anything to sing and dance about. The new head of Film Location Switzerland aims to professionalise the sector to attract more producers...
