For fashion entrepreneur Monica Phromsavanh, the pathway to success started in the camp for Laotian refugees in Argentina where she was born and spent her first years. She was a hard charger even as a child, never letting poverty or family difficulties discourage her. She came to the United States at 17, worked for upscale clothing retailers and rose rapidly up the management ladder, helped by mentors impressed by her keen sense of style and business acumen.
New technology for charitable giving and a cooking class taught by refugees were featured in this week's headlines
Angela Merkel has become the first German chancellor to visit Niger, one of the world’s poorest countries. She has promised money and military vehicles to help the country fight human trafficking and the militant threat. She is on the second leg of a three-country African tour which started in Mali and will finish in Ethiopia.
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are starting to provide broadband hotspots to the communities that are affected, [...] With hotspots, they can actually put targeted information on Web services like where to find asylum, medical assistance, education for children, that side of things. It also gives migrants a secure communications channel to let families know they are safe.
Headlines explored the power of digital diplomacy through mobile apps, social media and live streaming.
Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a statement on the United States reaching President Obama's stated goal of increasing the number of Syrian refugees permitted to resettle in the United States through the U.S. Refugee Admission Program. Secretary Kerry noted, "A year ago, President Obama set the goal of welcoming at least 10,000 of the most vulnerable refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria to the United States.
What happens when the government is sending one message, and citizens are sending another?
This summer one of the UK’s most prestigious universities provided refugees in the UK the opportunity to recharge their academic batteries by attending summer courses on a free bursary. For the third year running, King’s College London has been working in partnership with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to offer summer school places to people who have fled persecution and conflict in their home countries.