social media

On January 10, 2024, CPD hosted David Craig for an online conversation on creator culture and public diplomacy.

Digital world by LagartoFilm via Canva

CPD Blog contributor Jorge Marinho discusses the concept of influence operations and what it means to a country's ontological security.

See Tình with TikTok background by Katsiaryna Hatsak via Canva

The growing popularity of V-pop makes it an emerging tool for Vietnam to diversify its public diplomacy strategy.

BeReal app in the Apple Store @yanishevska via

Diplomats and global businesses are slow at adopting social media accounts. BeReal, an app touting authenticity, can be the exception.

Map of interconnected countries by CarlosAndreSantos via iStock
December 15, 2022

CPD hosted a panel on the current and future implications of visual communication in diplomatic messaging.

Twitter icon image by pikisuperstar via

A Twitter account run by the U.S. ambassador to China may demonstrate a new approach to shaping public perception via digital diplomacy.

The latest issue in our scholarly paper series is an article by CPD Research Fellow Ilan Manor.

Image of social media icons emerging from laptop by pikisuperstar via

Learn from a recent scholarly debate about the impact of digital technologies on PD practice.
