soft power

A football in a stadium with colors of the national flag of Qatar by FotografieLink via Canva

David Ellwood of Johns Hopkins SAIS Bologna analyzes Qatar's public diplomacy strategies and soft power following the end of the 2022 World Cup.

A pile of books with words "soft power" by itchysan via Canva

Soft power publications tend to over- or solely rely on Nye’s work. It is time to break this vicious cycle.

See Tình with TikTok background by Katsiaryna Hatsak via Canva

The growing popularity of V-pop makes it an emerging tool for Vietnam to diversify its public diplomacy strategy.

Image of a city in metaverse world by naratrip via

CPD Faculty Fellow Corneliu Bjola shares how avatars in digital diplomacy can have the potential to create a significant impact.

Carla Cabrera Cuadrado presents her model the Golden Circle of Public Diplomacy at the SIETAR Europa Congress 2022 in La Valletta, Malta. Image courtesy of SIETAR Europa

The Golden Circle of Public Diplomacy is a new paradigm in PD literature that introduces a moral purpose and cultural awareness.

metaverse by geralt via pixabay

A discussion of how we can borrow businesses’ ‘space creator’ strategy to advance public diplomacy in a multiverse era.

image of globe, books and a laptop by brijith vijayan via canva

New materials demonstrate how the global landscape of American higher education affords advantages for public diplomacy.

Dome buildings in the city of Medina by Konevi via

Saudi Arabia's soft power strategy during the Hajj promotes a liberal image but comes with a catch.
