soft power

"We can see how we can enhance military-to-military cooperation, interoperality and public diplomacy so that we can better explain Nato and what it does and we at Nato can better understand the region," he told Gulf News.

The Australia Network has been our venture into this way of building national ''soft power'' - in other words, winning friends and understanding overseas through television news and entertainment. It had an uncertain start as an ABC offshoot with some additional funding from advertising.

University of Indonesia security expert Andi Widjajanto said it would be hard for Yudhoyono to rely only on soft power measures, such as dialogues, norms establishment and confidence-building measures, to reduce tensions without resorting to hard power.

This attempt to garner longer-term soft power of being perceived positively globally and by African partners, however, may well contend with its harder and more short-term economic and domestic needs. China has an interest in some agreement, partly to vindicate criticisms levied against it at previous conferences but, at the same time, must pursue economic growth at home.

For the majority of Iranians, as Muslim Shias, Ashura has clearly been the meta-narrative. It has particularly been important since the establishment of the Islamic Republic in Iran and one could surely see the footprint of this narrative in Iran's foreign policy

December 6, 2011

America’s stock has depreciated the most in the arena of moral power, which stems from the natural attraction of an entity’s cultural, political and economic prowess that encourages others to voluntarily follow it. As the world discovers America’s gridlocked and money-dominated political system, its ecologically damaging, and crisis-prone economic system, it is fast losing its appeal as the country to emulate.

December 6, 2011

China as the dominant international economic and political force in Africa epitomizes the most dramatic shift in geopolitics since the Soviet Union collapsed. Yet the United States, Africa's traditional trading partner, seem incapable of responding to the challenge and retaking the initiative. Instead, its response has been to wring its hands in despair and make ineffectual noises about human rights and democracy.

Two giant pandas arrived in Scotland on Sunday. British officials said the 10-year loan of the bears by China strengthened ties between the two countries. Over the years, Beijing gave pandas away as goodwill tokens. The black-and-white bear still apparently inspires warm feelings that span across borders. The difference is, now China makes you pay for it.
