soft power

Serbia's road to the EU has cleared significantly, though there are still many kilometres to go... This dealing with the past at a judicial level occurs in parallel, as witnessed in other historical precedents, with the longer-term work of society with itself.

Through its provision of education, medical treatment and small-business support, India has projected considerable soft power in Afghanistan. It provides 2,000 scholarships to Afghans annually for schooling and training in India, including for 500 Afghan civil servants.

Australia's image and influence in the world depends on the quality of its international strategic thinking, foreign policy making and actions. The dumbing down of democracy is having a detrimental impact on the quality of Australia's foreign policies.

The Kung Fu Panda series does not boast remarkable plot lines. In fact, to many critics, it is a plain story coming straight out of the US film assembly line. Its success sheds a light on how to commercialize cultural elements and increase so-called soft power.

China's strength lies in its deep pockets, which are said to have helped it swing deals in its favor. India's advantage lies in public goodwill and Delhi hopes that this and its soft power strategy will help it build sustainable partnerships in Africa.

Brazil has become both strong confident enough to play an active role on the world stage. In an increasingly multipolar world, Brazil is emerging as a powerful voice representing the Global South in multilateral forums like the G-20, the World Trade Organization and discussions over greenhouse gas emissions.

He said Taiwan needs also to combine its economic power with diplomacy to show the world the country's national strength and soft power....Over the past three years, he noted, Taiwan has participated in many international humanitarian aid projects in countries struck by natural disasters.

The presence of a growing number of French-speaking Africans reflects a monumental shift in the relationship of sub-Saharan Africa to France and to the U.S. The new appreciation that French-speaking Africans display for the U.S. is significant for cultural as well as a geopolitical reasons.
