soft power

As Kabul has begun to get back on its feet, returnees like anthropology student Siddique Ahmed, his two band mates and their like, have brought an infusion of new and old musical influences to the city of their birth and have begun forging a growing music scene.

As Arab uprisings sweep the Middle East, few images will likely unsettle Iran's leadership more than that of their flag being burned by Syrian protesters angry with the Islamic Republic's deep ties with Syria's dynastic regime.

India's focus on using soft power to enhance trade and investment with Africa is clearly far more appealing to local partners than the breathless grab for resources that Africans have come to associate with most of its other foreign investors.

And that could place the 50-year-old US manned spaceflight programme—and its benefits to US prestige—in jeopardy, according to Eric Sterner, an analyst with The Marshall Institute in Washington, D.C. ‘The vehicle signifies a continued commitment to human spaceflight, which plays into American soft power,’ Sterner says. ‘So, it has potential benefit there.’

We are living in the 21st century, and the motor of the day is soft power. And those who would be able to use soft power with full gear would be able to secure their leading position in the Middle East, in Northern Africa and other volatile regions.

The images of Barack Obama's recent visit were a publicity consultant's dream. But beyond the feel-good photography and the cheerful bonhomie, there was purpose and substance to Obama's trip, specifically the need to redefine America's relationship with Europe in a much-changed world.

Obama's morale-boosting stop-off, together with Queen Elizabeth's historic state visit just days earlier, have given Irish tourism a boost it desperately needed after three years of recession saw revenues and visitors drop by about a third.

The star continues to shine for Jenaguru Arts and Culture Group who will perform at the World Rugby Tournament to be held in New Zealand in August. The eight-member group - a product of Jenaguru led by musician Clive Malunga - will showcase traditional dances at the tournament which will see the best rugby playing nations converging on New Zealand.
