united nations

Signaling a new diplomatic push to refurbish its battered image and win friends and influence nations, Pakistan is sending Maleeha Lodhi, a high-profile envoy, who has asserted that "her prime focus will be creating a clear line on Kashmir cause," to the United Nations.

An International  joint statement released by the United Nations, the African Union, the European Union, IGAD, the UK and the US welcomed Parliament’s approval, and reiterated their call for Somalia’s leaders and institutions to work together to accelerate delivery of the milestones of the Federal Government’s ‘Vision 2016′. The diplomatic statement said, together with the New Deal Compact for Somalia, remains the guiding framework for engagement.  The diplomatic statement added that it was important to preserve the Somalia unity and stability of the Federal Government of Somalia.

February 9, 2015

Ban Ki-moon’s second term as U.N. secretary general ends Dec. 31, 2016. To many, his choice in 2006 validated the soft bigotry of low expectations with respect to the world organization. Considering the structural constraints within which he must function, Ban’s record is not all that bad. He has led from the front on issues like promoting more women to senior positions, climate change, the responsibility to protect, and a development agenda to follow the Millennium Development Goals that expire this year.

February 8, 2015

Formerly derided as the domain of time-wasting and self-obsession, social media has emerged as an unlikely shining light for international relations and social activism.

February 7, 2015

The government is trying to get yoga recognized throughout the world as India's cultural property. Since his election last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist and devout yoga practitioner, has persuaded the U.N. to announce an International Day of Yoga and has even appointed a minister of yoga in his cabinet. 

EU member states must finally make good on their pledge to spend 0.7% of gross national income on foreign aid as the world prepares to agree the development agenda for the next 15 years, a European commissioner has warned. Neven Mimica, the EU commissioner for international cooperation and development, said that honouring the commitment on official development assistance (ODA) would enhance Europe’s global standing and help pressure other countries into accepting their financial responsibilities.

Formerly derided as the domain of time-wasting and self-obsession, social media has emerged as an unlikely shining light for international relations and social activism.

The United Nations is holding its first ever Social Media Day at its New York Headquarters today, in an event featuring social media professionals, digital diplomacy practitioners and academics who are sharing their experiences, discussing trends and proving insights into their work.
