cultural exchanges

U.S. Ambassador Michael Pelletier reflects on how strong PD supports dialogues that are more honest, open and, at times, uncomfortable.

How do we get domestic buy-in for public diplomacy? What's the impact of cultural exchanges on host communities?
Mobility of Arab artists within Jordan and internationally is a major challenge due to lack of financial resources, visa issues and lack of exposure to potential partner organizations, according to regional NGO Culture Resource. Founded in 2004, Culture Resource seeks to tackle the mobility issue by supporting artistic creativity in the region through various initiatives. One of their main projects, provides artists financial support to increase the visibility and representation of culture and the arts from the Arab region in other parts of the world.
The Vermont ski industry is worried about the Trump Administration's review of the J-1 Visa exchange program which allows resorts to hire some foreign workers. "This program is an ambassadorship program. You get incredible students who come on up and are enthusiastic and hard working. They go back to their home country and share the incredible experiences they've had here in Vermont," says Ski Vermont President Parker Riehle.

Headlines explore China's various public diplomacy initiatives to practice soft power.

A New York residence for graduate students brings together people of all nations and cultures.
In the last few weeks the Catalan Government has carried out some activities to boost and expand its economic relationships with Japan and Central America. [...] In its third edition, this strategy includes business promotion, investment attraction, tourism cooperation, student mobility and cultural and gastronomic exchanges.
Chinese leaders and scholars claim that China’s foreign policy is not to seek control and hegemony, nor to export its model by military means. Instead, it is to accumulate its soft power through trade, investment and cultural exchanges.