A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Eduardo for Konkani Learning Facilities for Goans in Portugal

Pointing out that Goans residing in Portugal want facilities to study Konkani so that they and their children remain connected to their cultural roots, former external affairs minister Eduardo Faleiro said that the government of Goa may ensure that this is done.

Tags: international exchange, education, education diplomacy, indian studies, university of lisbon, konkani learning facilities, goans, portugal, india

AIT Promotes Sports Diplomacy at Independence Day Celebration

The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) promoted sports diplomacy at a U.S. Independence Day celebration Thursday, featuring a performance by the Chicago Luvabulls cheerleaders and Taiwanese and American athletes, including the winner of this year's NBA Rookie of the Year Award.

Tags: taiwan, u.s., sports diplomacy, american institute in taiwan, independence day, sports exchange

Taiwan’s Tourism Future: Rebranding the Heart of Asia

As the trend of decreasing visitors from mainland China will likely continue, the Taiwan government is taking steps to increase tourism from other areas, including Japan, Korea, and South and Southeast Asian markets.

Tags: nation branding, destination branding, taiwan, tourism, china, cultural tourism

UT Austin Launches China Policy Center

The University of Texas at Austin will establish a new interdisciplinary China Policy Center, with a charge to make enduring contributions to the study of China-related policy topics while advancing U.S.-China relations and Texas-China relations.

Tags: history & theory, us-china relations, austin, china, track two diplomacy, texas diplomacy

Emmanuel Macron's Art of Modern-Day Communication

President Emmanuel Macron’s mastery of public imagery, like that of Barack Obama, conceals a highly calculated, choreographed communications policy. [...] “For a president, everything is a story of symbols. He needs to have total control,” comments Albert-Alexis Galland, director of strategy with Kaolin.

Tags: france, President Macron, soft power, communication, symbolism, branding

China on Charm Offensive at World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum (WEF) in the Chinese city of Dalian this week for the so-called Summer Davos comes at a time when China is assuming a greater global profile. [...] This week’s forum is not the first time this year that China has used the WEF to position itself positively on the world stage.

Tags: china, smart & soft power, China's Soft Power, world economic forum, President Xi Jinping, soft rise of china, charm offensive

Xi Attends Hong Kong Palace Museum Cooperation Agreement Signing Ceremony

Chinese President Xi Jinping Thursday afternoon attended a signing ceremony for cooperation agreement on the development of the Hong Kong Palace Museum. The mainland and the Hong Hong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) will carry out cooperation in areas including relic display, personnel training and people-to-people exchange, according to the agreement.

Tags: china, hong kong, cultural exchange, museum diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd

Tillerson Tightens Limits on Filling State Department Jobs

Rex Tillerson is clamping down further on hiring as part of his push to overhaul the U.S. State Department, in a move likely to exacerbate concerns that a large number of unfilled jobs is diminishing his agency’s role in shaping foreign policy. In a memo sent June 26 and obtained by Bloomberg News, bureaus are ordered to temporarily stop all transfers and reassignments and are barred from appointing new envoys. Any other request to “increase, expand or proliferate organization structures in the Department” must also be stopped.

Tags: government pd, state department, Department of State, Rex Tillerson, united states


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