A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Tillerson Wants to Merge the State Dept. And USAID. That's a Bad Idea.

The State Department and USAID are often conflated as parts of America’s “soft power” apparatus. And it’s true that in the broadest sense they seek to, as a joint mission statement puts it, “shape and sustain a peaceful, prosperous, just, and democratic world, and foster conditions for stability and progress for the benefit of the American people and people everywhere.” But beyond that they are dissimilar in every important way: The tasks they perform, what they value, their operating principles and how they carry out their work are profoundly different.

Tags: soft power, government pd, state department, Department of State, usaid, Rex Tillerson, united states

Re-Thinking Social Engagement Strategies in the Age of Trump

Whether you are an executive working for an American multinational company, university, or NGO, or a diplomat serving in our embassies and missions abroad, in the age of President Trump we need to all radically rethink and reconsider our social engagement strategies.

Tags: civic engagement, citizen engagement, Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, social media, Donald Trump, united states

Mutharika Officially Opens Phalombe TTC Co-Funded by British Aid Money

Malawi President Peter Mutharika on Tuesday officially opened Phalombe Teacher Training College (TTC) which is co-funded by United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID). DFID provided 3.9bn kwacha  (£4.2m) of UK aid for Phalombe TTC, to help address Malawi’s current and future need for qualified teachers.

Tags: foreign aid, education, development, poverty, phalombe teacher training college, primary & secondary schools, britain, malawi

Haughty Stance Won't Solve Rights Problems

Human rights remain one of top global concerns in the era of globalization. But given the different views of different countries on human rights protection, how can we effectively promote human rights worldwide? The answer should be adherence to dialogue, exchanges, cooperation and coordination, because neither criticism nor confrontation is conducive to promoting global governance on any issue.

Tags: international exchanges, human rights, globalization, dialogue, exchanges, cooperation, coordination, china

A-Bomb Victim Devotes Life to Growing Roses for World Peace

Amid the ashes of his hometown destroyed by an atomic bomb, teenager Kazuzo Tagashira started to grow roses and watched them start blooming across the bombed-out ruins here. Tagashira decided to devote his entire life to raising and breeding the roses in the hopes that world peace would similarly bloom in the future.

Tags: international exchange, roses, world peace, hiroshima, hiroshima peace memorial park, japan, bombing

Beyond Transactional Ties, A 10-Year Roadmap For India-Israel Relations

To move beyond transactional ties, India and Israel must make an effort to encourage cultural connections. This is best done through education, tourism and the arts.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, people-to-people diplomacy, cooperation, education, tourism, arts, india, israel, bilateral relations

Japanese Business Delegation Visits Russia’s Kuril Islands

A delegation of Japanese officials and businessmen arrived at Russia’s Kunashir Island on Wednesday to inspect facilities that may be used for joint Russian-Japanese business projects at the Kuril Islands, which Japan calls its Northern Territories.

Tags: business diplomacy, corporate diplomacy, common interest, bilateral relations, cooperation, joint projects, japan, russia, kuril islands

New York Art Museum Seeks to Counter Islamophobia

A new museum, the Institute of Arab and Islamic Art, is [...] providing a platform for artists and scholars to exchange ideas and promote cultural dialogue between voices in the United States and Arab and Islamic countries.  

Tags: new york city, Cultural Diplomacy, art & culture, museum diplomacy, art diplomacy, islamic art, institute of arab and islamic art, anti-islamophobia


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