A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cultural Show to Popularise Authentic Chinese Food Held

The Chinese Embassy held a cultural show (Chinese cuisine-class), popularizing authentic Chinese food to promote bonds of friendship between the two countries. Chinese culinary art was displayed on the occasion. It was the part cultural diplomacy, promoting people-to-people’s contacts, said Mrs. Diana Bao, wife of Chinese ambassador while speaking at the show as a chief guest. 

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, international exchange, gastrodiplomacy, people to people diplomacy, pakistan, china, chinese food


In advance of Mother’s Day later this week, it is a good time to reflect and recognize not only the contribution mothers make in our own lives and those of others around the world but their collective power globally. We should also call out and celebrate their unique strengths, skillsets, and experience sets. Skills and strengths that are not often championed or called out, but which could be powerful soft power assets in our broader public diplomacy strategies.

Tags: smart & soft power, citizen diplomacy, mothers day, women empowerment, us state department

A “World Without Walls” Doesn’t Look Promising

Sunday’s election in France made most people breathe a little easier but the worldwide trend is still troublesome. Nations are turning inward and if not building physical walls, as President Trump has proposed, they are erecting rules and new regulations [...] Last month at a Culture Summit in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, called “The Creative Mind of the Connected World: Culture as a Change Agent in the Digital Age,”

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, digital age, united arab emirates, culture summit, culture, cross cultural dialogue

Brand South Africa Partners with the Sunday Times Generation Next

Ahead of youth month, Brand South Africa has partnered with the Sunday Times Generation Next to host this year’s youth marketing conference. The conference looks at youth brand preference and consumer behavior and explores how the youth can drive growth in local brands. This partnership is in line with Brand South Africa’s domestic objective of promoting and championing programmes that enhance the Nation Brand. 

Tags: nation branding, south africa, leadership, international youth, strategic partnership, international image

Cultural Barriers Need to be Challenged to Close the Gender Digital Divide

Cultural and social norms are one of the most significant, yet largely ignored, barriers preventing women and girls accessing mobile phones and the internet. In some cases they have even resulted in death and rape. However, current efforts to bridge the digital gender divide are failing to prioritize initiatives which seek to understand, and ultimately, challenge these powerful norms, 

Tags: global aid & development, digital diplomacy & new tech, gender divide, women empowerment, internet, mobile phones, cultural barriers

The New Strongman Diplomacy

What happens when strongmen meet? We know that the world is slowly filling up with populist nationalists, from Manila to Washington. Will they join forces against the sanctimonious, supra-national powers that dismay them all? Or will they compete, as erstwhile tough guys seem most comfortable doing? Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised if they find an entirely different way to frame their international engagement, one sure to puzzle, infuriate and sometimes amuse onlookers.

Tags: government pd, strongman diplomacy, nationalism, leadership, diplomatic relations, india, turkey, philippines, united states, narendra modi, recep tayyip erdogan

Liberia Establishes Diplomatic Relations With Myanmar

In remarks during the occasion, the Ambassador Thit Linn Ohn of the Union of Myanmar stressed that his country was pleased to establish diplomatic relations with Liberia, Africa’s oldest independent Republic. He believes that the event marks the beginning of building closer ties between the two countries especially in the areas of trade, agriculture and people to people exchanges.

Tags: government pd, bilateral relations, liberia, africa, myanmar, diplomatic relations, trade, people to people exchange

A New Generation of African Photographers

A new generation of African photographers are redreaming the medium again. Look, for example, at the Africans among the 25 young shooting stars chosen for the short list of the sixth prize for contemporary African photography – the CAP Prize – which awards depictions of life on the continent and the diaspora. [...] The themes are personal and political, and there’s a fierce social justice edge in the work of many of the finalists, which includes two South Africans: Tsoku Maela and Lebohang Kganye.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, art & culture, photography, photography exhibition, international advocacy, 2017 cap prize, africa


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