A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

UK-based Zimbos to Showcase Talent in Diaspora

“Project Zimbabwe explores other aspects of life related to Zimbabwe such as fashion, film, arts and culture, allowing people to see and experience the amazing sounds and talents from Zimbabwe. This is done by featuring events, interviews and reviews,” he said

Tags: diaspora diplomacy, united kingdom, Project Zimbabwe, zimbabwe, artists, art diplomacy, africa, cultural exchange

Muslims in America: Full House Takes in Lecture

This series explored the experience and impact of human migration and cultural exchange in world history, America and Washington. It was sponsored by Humanities Washington with support from the Fresh Hop Ale Group. [...] There are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims around the world, and Muslims continue to come to America for the best opportunities and the best education, Kayaoglu said.

Tags: muslims, cultural exchange, educational exchange, diaspora diplomacy, student exchange

President Donald Trump Should Talk to North Korea

The international community has become accustomed to purely relying on "sticks" to force North Korea to abandon its nuclear program. The question is: Why will North Korea comply if it does not receive any "carrots" in return? From North Korea's perspective, the outside demand for its de-nuclearization is completely unacceptable and unfair. North Korea has proved resilient enough to resist sanction after sanction. It is time that the international community changed its approach now.

Tags: united states, north korea, Donald Trump, international security, international affairs, Opinion, denuclearization

Indonesia Gears up for Bilateral, Multilateral Meetings in US

Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi will seek to strengthen Indonesia's existing strategic partnership with the United States, following heartening signs from the White House regarding its ongoing commitment in the Asia-Pacific. "Indonesia is ready to fortify its [ties] with the US through mutually beneficial cooperation," Retno said in a statement upon her arrival in Washington DC, late on Wednesday local time.

Tags: government pd, Donald Trump, indonesia, united states, bilateral cooperation, washington dc, asean, southeast asia

Jazz Fest highlights Cuba at Cultural Exchange Pavilion

The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival began planning to feature Cuba in its Cultural Exchange Pavilion two years ago, well before then-President Barack Obama lifted the embargo against the island nation in October 2016. Since travel to and from Cuba has opened, there's a full slate of music, craft and cultural displays in the Cultural Exchange Pavilion tent, located between the Congo Square Marketplace and the major food areas.

Tags: cuba, music diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, jazz diplomacy, jazz festival

NGOs Offering Green Technology to Myanmar May Help Improve China’s Image

Most of these aid projects were carried out through a competitive bidding system open to eligible enterprises and there was little space for Chinese NGOs to participate. "Most of these foreign aid projects are large engineering projects, and the design of the bidding system leaves no space for NGOs to take part," Ji Lin, managing secretary at Global Environmental Institute, told the Global Times.  

Tags: myanmar, china, Nation Image, green technology, ngos, foreign aid, global aid & development

Education Experts: International Students Safe, Welcome in US

The upper levels of university administrations need and want to maintain “a welcoming environment,” said James Dorsett, director of international students and scholars at Michigan State University in Lansing. “It’s the responsibility of the whole institution as a learning institution to be a welcoming and supporting place for all students.” Dorsett pointed to the “You are welcome here” video campaign that many U.S. schools participated in to promote inclusion for international students who might have felt fearful when the executive order was announced.

Tags: international student, united states, anti-immigration, education exchange, international exchange, Donald Trump, anti-immigration

In Mar-a-Lago Blunder, a Glimpse at the Difficulties of ‘Soft Diplomacy’ Under Trump

For an American reader, I.I.P.’s body of work offers a fascinating look not only at what our government wants to tell the world but also at what it wants to believe about itself. The obvious conflicts of interest that accompanied Donald Trump into office are in one sense the least of I.I.P.’s problems; the larger question is what a propaganda unit is supposed to do when the pronouncements of its head of state are so often at odds with the national vision it tries to sell to the world.

Tags: soft diplomacy, propaganda, mar-a-lago, u.s. department of state, state department, Donald Trump, share america, international information programs, u.s., united states


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