A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

In the U.S., Cinco de Mayo is a Day of Festivals

In the United States, home to more than 30 million Mexican Americans, Cinco de Mayo has taken on new meaning. It is a festival of Latino culture. In cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and Washington, Cinco de Mayo events are held each year. Americans eat and drink traditional Mexican fare. 

Tags: united states, mexico, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, cinco de mayo, gastrodiplomacy, latino

Rwanda Brings Rhinos Back to Boost Tourism

Tourism is a key foreign exchange earner in East Africa. Rwanda, which is still heavily dependent on foreign aid after the 1994 genocide tore the nation apart, has been seeking to boost the sector. Tourism generated $404 million from 1.3 visitors in 2016, and revenues are expected to climb 14 percent to 460 million in 2017.

Tags: rwanda, south africa, rhinos, tourism, nation branding, foreign exchange, foreign aid

China Wields its Soft Power in Africa with Some Success

Philibert Browne, editor of Liberia’s Hot Pepper newspaper, says China is winning admiration. In Liberia, it has built roads — ones of not obviously inferior quality — and a spanking new campus at the University of Liberia, replete with friendship tower and Chinese-style gate. “You can see what they are spending their money on but you can’t see what the Americans are spending on,” Mr Browne says. “You don’t put capacity building on your meal table. Slowly but surely, the Chinese are winning in Africa.”

Tags: china, africa, soft power, liberia, Nation Image, Opinion, china-africa relations, global aid & development

Social Media is Creating Direct Access to Leaders: US Official

Addressing a session titled ‘Diplomacy and the Power of Communication’ on the second and final day of the Arab Media Forum 2017, Buangan said diplomacy and conversation are powerful tools for creating concrete and tangible results in developing mutual understanding among people and governments. Talking about new developments in the media, Buangan said media has evolved and became more global in engagement with the society. 

Tags: social media, Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, foreign policy, china, united states, conversation

Cultural Diplomacy can Correct Arab Image in the West: Experts

All the panelists asserted that media should exert efforts to enhance the image of Arabs. Arabs needs to have long-term partnership with the US in various fields. For example, there should be exchange of visits in the field of education. Arab governments should provide scholarships to young Americans to study and know the Arab culture and to have experience of their life, they suggested, noting that many Arab students receive scholarship in the US.

Tags: arab world, Nation Image, Cultural Diplomacy, soft power, cultural exchange, media, partnership, uae, united states, middle east

As Japan’s JET Programme Hits its 30s, the Jury’s Still Out

The strongest defense of JET comes from those who view it as a diplomatic soft-power tool. MOFA officials agreed to support JET because they believed participants would increase their understanding of Japanese society and return home sympathetic toward Japan. [...] “the JET Programme has been wildly successful as a public diplomacy effort for Japan.” Calling it a “vital diplomatic tool."

Tags: japan, JET Program, international exchange, educational exchange, cultural exchange, soft power, united states, language exchange

Turkey-India Relations: Looking Into Some Aspects of Mutual Interest

Indians' relations with Turks have deep roots in history, memory, culture, language and society. Their political relations can be traced back to different phases in past centuries [...] The Topkapı Museum has several items from the country, including a precious gift from a Hindu King in South India. Muslims in India along with the support and cooperation of the Hindus have a history of political and financial support extended to Turkey not less than five times during 1874-1920. 

Tags: history & theory, government pd, diplomatic relations, turkey, india, culture, language, cooperation, bilateral relations

Clinton Slams Trump's Twitter Diplomacy

Hillary Clinton mocked President Donald Trump’s Twitter diplomacy on Tuesday, warning that it’s ineffective in pressuring North Korea to stop its saber-rattling.Clinton stressed in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour during a Women For Women International charity luncheon in New York that negotiating is key in getting the North Korean regime under control.“Negotiations are critical, but they have to be part of a broader strategy, not just thrown out on a tweet some morning

Tags: digital diplomacy & new tech, twitter diplomacy, government pd, hillary clinton, President Trump, north korea, united states, negotiations


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