A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Modi's Space Diplomacy Puts India into New Orbit

India embarks on space diplomacy like never before. For the first time, New Delhi is flexing its prowess of space technology by embarking on an unprecedented and un-chartered 'stratospheric diplomacy' through a special Rs 450 crore gift for South Asians. India is carving a very unique place in the universe, this week New Delhi will 'gift' a heavyweight bird in the sky to its neighbours through the 'South Asia Satellite'.

Tags: space diplomacy, stratospheric diplomacy, satellites, south asia satellite, south asia, india, narendra modi

Google, Kaduna Government Empower 5000 Youth with Digital Internet Skills

In a bid to equip youth with requisite skills for business growth and how to become employers of labour in the long run, Google, in collaboration with Kaduna State Government and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) has trained no fewer than 5000 persons on digital Internet skills. [...] Google Lead Trainer, Mr. Luke Ini-Ima, told journalists that the training was part of the government’s youth empowerment programmes, adding; “This training will, therefore, enable the unemployed youths tap from the huge opportunities in the ICT sector.”

Tags: Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, non-state actor pd, google, sustainable development goals, kaduna, nigeria

Why China Is Not Bound to Lead Latin America

For those in the West who have lived the second half of the 20th century, being under the United States’ tutelage was a mere fact of life. As the great victors of World War II and uncontested rulers of nearly every international institution in the world – UN, IMF, World Bank, GATT, NATO etc. – North Americans have transformed Central and South America into their own backyard. Now change is said to be underway. 

Tags: government pd, smart & soft power, china, economic diplomacy, economic development, latin america, non state pd

Art Workshop Lights Way for Refugees

At the stringing table, most of the women wear hijabs. Natives of Syria, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, they have been in the U.S. less than two years, arriving in Houston through Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston's refugee services program. They speak Arabic, Farsi, Pashto or Dari. Which is to say, they sometimes speak with each other only slightly better than they can talk with me.

Tags: cultural exchange, Cultural Diplomacy, art, refugees, syria, iraq, iran, afghanistan, united states, cross cultural dialogue

How Two Students Turned Their Online Popularity Into Big Money for Somalia

More than 20,000 other people also observed that moment after Adam posted a 40-second video of his experience on Facebook. It was one of many this social activist would share during his six-week trip to Somalia [...] Today, Adam is harnessing that following to galvanize support for Somalia, which is on the brink of a famine that threatens the lives of an estimated 6 million people, according to the United Nations.

Tags: global aid & development, digital diplomacy, social media, advocacy, non state pd, united states, somalia, famine

Bin Rashid Launches UAE Soft Power Council

The UAE Soft Power Council, which will define a comprehensive strategy to reinforce the country’s position and consolidate its values of respect and appreciation with governments and citizens across the world. The UAE Soft Power Council will report directly to the UAE Cabinet and will introduce an integrated national strategy that consolidates the roles of both the public and private sectors in achieving soft power and conveying the nation’s history in a new way.

Tags: smart & soft power, international image, united arab emirates, soft power council, cultural exchange, history

Erdogan Visits India as Bilateral Ties at Peak

After claiming victory in the historic referendum, President Erdoğan visits India to further develop political relations and increase cooperation in trade ties and the fight against terror. During the visit, the issue of FETÖ will also be discussed, as Turkey will ask India to take steps against the terror group [...] During the bilateral meetings, the agenda is expected to focus on anti-terror efforts, political relations, bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

Tags: government pd, bilateral relations, erdogan, india, turkey, economic cooperation, trade, counterterrorism

Police Scotland Experts to Assist Officers in Rwanda on Gender Violence

Scottish police officers are to take their expertise on tackling violence against women and children into the scene of one of the world’s most brutal civil wars of recent times. Police Scotland will team up with the United Nations-backed specialists on gender-based violence and child abuse in the Rwandan capital of Kigali to develop policing techniques and better protect victims. 

Tags: global aid & development, non state pd, scotland, peacekeeping, rwanda, malawi, africa, gender violence, united nations


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