A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Artists Transform Historical Trauma Through Painting and Prose

The South Africa based Sylt Foundation and Myanmar online journal, Be Untexed, collaborated to lead the event which included an art exhibition, workshop and poetry reading. Han Lynn, the curator of the art festival and member of Be Untexed online journal said, “‘Violent Memories’ is the long-term project of the ‘Transformation and Identity, Trauma and Reconciliation’ which includes eight different countries.”

Tags: historical memory, historical trauma, germany, south africa, chile, poland, macedonia, finland, vietnam, reconciliation, art diplomacy, cultural exchange

Taiwan’s Media Freedom Offers a Diplomatic Opportunity

Taiwan should be the regional leader in soft diplomacy as well. It has plenty to offer the world. Taiwan is the only Chinese-speaking democratic nation in the world, its press is unrestricted, and its citizens enjoy total online freedom. Add into this the fact that it has consistently punched above its weight economically and Taiwan has plenty to take to the wider world to counter-weight the obvious diplomatic difficulties that they face.

Tags: taiwan, Opinion, media freedom, soft power, press freedom, asia, journalism, international broadcasting

Zimbabwe Develops Diaspora Website

Zimbabwe is crafting a national diaspora website, aimed at facilitating the engagement and participation of citizens living out of the country in national development, the Ministry of Macro Economic Planning and Investment Promotion has said. In a statement, the ministry said the website was part of operationalising the diaspora policy.

Tags: zimbabwe, diaspora diplomacy, migration, website, Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, national development, economic development, government pd

Syria-Born Olympian Takes Advocacy Role at UN Refugee Agency

The U.N. refugee agency on Thursday chose as a goodwill ambassador a Syrian teenage girl who helped save a boat carrying fellow refugees and later became an Olympic swimmer. Yusra Mardini joined other notables like actress Cate Blanchett and author Khaled Hosseini in the unpaid advocacy role. UNHCR chief Filippo Grandi said Mardini "represents the hopes, the fears and the incredible potential of the more than 10 million young refugees around the globe."

Tags: international advocacy, united nations ambassador, un, Yusra Mardini, non-state actors, refugee crisis, unhcr

Tunisians Wish to Partner Up for Business, Jobs

Tunisia plans to enhance trade with Brazil, but it also hopes for cooperation from Brazilians to address unemployment among its youth. The goal is to harness Brazil’s experience in startup businesses and technical education.

Tags: tunisia, brazil, trade diplomacy, bilateral cooperation, economy, unemployment, educational exchange, international exchange

China, SA Exchange Programme Opens SA's Horizons, Tourism Opportunities

The PPEM will allow the two countries to exchange information, identify common objectives and strategies and create opportunities for people in both countries to benefit from the sharing of social, cultural and economic capital across government, academia, business and civil society.

Tags: china, international exchange, south africa, tourism, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, trade diplomacy, partnership, people-to-people exchange

Diplomacy with North Korea: A Real Benchmark for President Trump’s 100 Days

President Trump must avoid at all costs a direct military confrontation with North Korea, which has a long history of engaging in brinksmanship. The United States has been successful in defusing past crises by working in partnership with U.S. allies in the region. Today, China calls for restraint, and South Korea is urging a diplomatic solution. [...] President Trump could demonstrate his art of deal making by advancing the only solution that’s ever worked: diplomacy and engagement.

Tags: north korea, President Trump, united states, war and peace, south korea, foreign policy, engagement, Donald Trump

Japan has Turned Its Culture into a Powerful Political Tool

Much has been made of Japan’s recent turn away from pacifism and growing military muscle, but Tokyo is also extending its global reach in more subtle ways. Japan is especially serious about increasing its soft power, the ability to win over global partners with cultural and diplomatic affinity rather than coercion and sheer heft.

Tags: japan, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, cool japan, nation branding, Nation Image, japan foundation


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