A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
Trump’s Stances May Complicate Israeli Diplomacy
The 14-to-0 vote by the United Nations Security Council condemning Israeli settlements, permitted on Friday by President Obama, who ordered an American abstention, served as a reminder that the Palestinian issue remains a powder keg. Mr. Trump’s clarion call supporting Israel on settlements and his promise to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem could easily stir new antipathy among the Sunni Arab states Mr. Netanyahu has been courting most, analysts said.
Nurturing Translators of Japanese Literature/Workshop Created For Networking
Six young translators of Japanese literature from inside and outside the country were invited to participate in a workshop on translation techniques and practical knowledge related to the publishing process. [...] A Japan Foundation program has also subsidized the translation of books in the fields of humanities, social sciences and art. This fiscal year, 33 books have been chosen for the program, for which a budget of ¥19 million has been earmarked.
Information Technology Breaks Barriers Between Palestinian Adolescents
The Gaza blockade, which will reach its tenth year in June, makes it impossible for Palestinians living there to engage with Palestinians living in the remainder of the Palestinian territory – the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Things changed when Nawal heard of the ‘Virtual Majilis’, an online exchange platform run by UNICEF to help connect students in Gaza with students in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
2016 Winternational Festival Attracts a Record 37 Embassies
The colorful, packed extravaganza in the expansive Ronald Reagan atrium featured an array of booths and information exhibitions that spotlighted different nations’ culture, cuisine, arts and crafts, trade, tourism and traditional dress. Thousands of visitors could wander and learn more about dozens of countries spanning the globe.
What Might Duterte's Southeast Asia Tour Mean for Regional Security
So far, Duterte has toured Laos, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Cambodia. [...] the tours are potentially beneficial for Duterte, who lacks experience in national politics and international diplomacy. He intends to gather insights from various ASEAN states to strengthen engagements and build a common action agenda on regional issues. Just how this corresponds to Duterte’s broader foreign and security policies remains to be seen.
The Kremlin’s Economic Grip on Europe
On the eve of Bulgaria’s accession to the European Union in 2007, the Russian Ambassador to Brussels, Vladimir Chizhov, declared that “Bulgaria would be Russia’s Trojan horse in the EU.” Though he added that he meant this “in a good sense,” his words ended up being disturbingly prophetic. Over the last ten years, all the countries of Central and Eastern Europe have felt the chill wind from the East.
Collecting and Cultural Diplomacy
In the Foreign Service, career officers are warned about the dangers of “localitis” or the development of so close an attachment to the place of assignment that one loses one’s nationalism or patriotism. [...] what can be called “collectivitis”: an inclination that later grew into something like a passion for collecting memorabilia of the history and culture of the countries we lived in or visited to take back home.
'DiplomaCity': Learning Networks of Cities for Sustainable Future
"More connectivity is better." "The transfer of technology and best practices" through learning networks of cities are "incredibly important, more important than every climate summit that's ever been held in the world [...] " We spoke to him about his theory of a new, more connected world, the importance of knowledge exchanges between cities and how the challenges of inequality and environmental degradation in a rapidly urbanising world.
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